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Robb Stark
l look at mother in disbelief, my world collapsing around me.

Catelyn Stark
I grab one of lord Freys wives and hold her at knife point.

Robb Stark
my eyes fill with tears as I see the massacre happen and I feel betrayed and helpless, I look to my mother , and I hope to see some sort of solace, but instead I see a look of fear and anger in her eyes.

Catelyn Stark
"Robb get out of here" I say pleading to him as more of our allies get killed around us!

Robb Stark
I don't answer, I am frozen in fear. I hear swords being drawn. I'm paralyzed by what is happening in front of me.

Catelyn Stark
"Robb please you have to get out of here!"

Robb Stark
all I can do is watch as I see familiar faces getting brutally stabbed all around me. I can't seem to move my body or take my eyes off of the carnage.

Catelyn Stark
I yell to lord Frey begging him to let Robb go and that I was the one who broke our vow to him and he can do whatever he wants with me.

Robb Stark
I hear my mother's words, but I'm not listening. All I can hear is the brutal cutting and stabbing from all around me. I don't care what happens to me any more. I just want this blood and carnage to stop.

Catelyn Stark
"Robb please you cannot die here I will not die knowing I've failed all my children!"

Robb Stark
I snap out of my trance and look at her. Hearing her speak gives me a little hope. I try to stand up and run towards her , but my path is blocked My heart sinks as I'm stopped. I still can't believe what is happening. As men push and shove me back and forth, I see more blood flowing on the floor from familiar faces.

Catelyn Stark
"Robb look at me!"

Robb Stark
I look into her eyes as I start to lose all hope of getting out of here alive.

Catelyn Stark
"Leave this place and never look back!"

Robb Stark
My heart breaks even more. I slowly start to back away, feeling like I'm leaving my world behind. I look down to my wife's body I'm horrified as I see her lifeless body covered in blood and lying face down on the floor. It is more than I can take. I close my eyes and try to hold myself together.

Catelyn Stark
"Robb she's dead you staying here to die to will not change that please Robb I'm begging you to leave this place!"

Robb Stark
My mother's words keep echoing in my head. I open my eyes and make one last look at my wife's body. Despite what my heart is telling me, I know that I need to listen to my mother and get out of this place.

Catelyn Stark
I look to lord Frey and he agrees to let Robb go but warns him to never betray him again.

Robb Stark
My heart is still pounding from the shock of the whole ordeal, but I manage to give a faint smile to her, my mother, one last time.

Catelyn Stark
"Robb listen to me!"

Robb Stark
I listen to her carefully, as I know she has all the strength that I am lacking right now.

Catelyn Stark
"Your sisters need you, you must find them and take back our home."

Robb Stark
I nod, my determination to survive finally overcoming my shock and fear. I understand the task that she has given me. I walk slowly out of the room with a tear falling down my face. I look back at her , and this time I can't hold back my tears.

Catelyn Stark
"Find new allies do whatever you have to go to Essos and make a new alliance."

Robb Stark
I nod, realizing the enormous task she has given me to accomplish. I have to find more allies and a new home for our family. I have to honor my father and my duty, I look back at her, startled by her idea of me going to Essos. My mind is still on edge, as I try to comprehend why she's suggesting I go there, but I'm willing to listen.

Catelyn Stark
I look at Robb and say "go to essos make a new alliance" and I glance over to the large fire in the fireplace then look back at him.

Robb Stark
My eyes follow her gaze to the fire in the fireplace. The heat of the fire is somehow making me feel better after my shocking ordeal, but I still don't see what she's getting at with the mention of Essos.

Catelyn Stark
"Robb do you understand what I'm saying to you" I glance over to the fire again.

Robb Stark
I'm confused as to why she keep glancing over at the fire. I do not understand what she is saying to me, I look back and forth between my mother and the fire while trying to figure out what essos and fire have in common I remain confused, not knowing if her glances at the fire mean something about the flames or fire or if this is some kind of trick. I continue to look back and forth, not wanting to miss any subtle sign she may be trying to send me I think back to the different places in Essos and who has control over them. I start to think more about her strange obsession with the fire as I realize she's talking about the Targaryen queen Daenerys who currently rules in essos and My mouth forms a smile as I realize what she's saying. I nod to her as I realize she wants me to seek out the Targaryen queen Daenerys Targaryen and make an alliance with her.

Catelyn Stark
I smile at Robb and say "do you understand what I'm saying to you?"

Robb Stark
I nod, It all makes sense now. I understand what she's saying. I need to go to Essos and make an alliance with Daenerys Targaryen. The Targaryen family is the only one powerful enough and close enough to provide the kind of help we need.

Catelyn Stark
I smile lovingly "I love you Robb and I always will, now get out of here and forget about all of this."

Robb Stark
I smile back at her, despite the terrible circumstances I have just been through. I know what I need to do and I know how important it is for me and our family to make this alliance with the Targaryens. I turn around and start to walk out of the room. Just before I leave, I turn back around one last time and look at her with love.

An alliance of ice and fire ( Daenerys Targaryen X Robb Stark)Where stories live. Discover now