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Robb Stark
As I walk through the woods I feel a sense of calmness and peace wash over me. I am pleased to be back home in Winterfell and with my wolf by my side. I can feel the cool breeze on my face and the sounds of nature all around me. I feel a sense of relief that the fight is over and that I have done my duty to my family and my people. I know that nothing will ever be the same again but in this moment I am grateful for the simple things in life.
I look into the distance and admire the beautiful sunset as it paints the sky with colors of pink and orange. A feeling of tranquility as the air cools with each breeze and the woods seem so peaceful now. I feel a sense of gratefulness as I admire the beauty of nature and appreciate being back home in Winterfell again, When I suddenly hear a branch snap behind me and I stop to look around and see what could have caused it.
I feel a wave of tension build inside me as I look around my surroundings. It is a quiet night and my wolf is by my side, but something about the sound of the branch snapping feels unnatural. I stand still and listen close to the woods, ready to react to whatever is waiting for me in the dark. I see a figure step out from the trees, their dark cloak covered in snow. I cannot make out the figure's face as they approach me, but something about the way they move sends a shiver down my spine. My wolf is still by my side, but I see him tense up and growl in a way that makes me feel uneasy. I am not sure who this figure is or what they want from me, but something about them feels menacing. I am caught by surprise as the figure approaches and hands me a scroll. The seal on the scroll features a dragon, which is a symbol I recognize as belonging to the Targaryen house. I take the scroll and turn it in my hands, studying the symbol and contemplating what it could mean. I look up at the figure and wonder who they are and what they are doing here. I do not recognize the person and feel slightly wary about this unexpected encounter. I  open the scroll revealing a message from Daenerys Targaryen reading

"Robb stark I've heard many tales of your victories in Westeros and I greatly admire your strength and determination to fight against those who oppress you and your fellow citizens, our enemies are one in the same the Lannisters and all those who follow them must be overthrown and i want what has been promised to me and I want you to help me get it I believe that together we can be an unstoppable force an alliance of ice and fire the last dragon and the last wolf, will you join me in Meereen to discuss our alliance further I'd be honored to have you here - Queen Daenerys of Meereen.

I am stunned as I read the message from Daenerys. She has heard about my victories in Westeros and she admires my strength and determination. She calls our enemies the same, the Lannisters, and wants to overthrow them. She believes that we can be an unstoppable force, an alliance of ice and fire, the last dragon and the last wolf. She asks if I will join her in Meereen to discuss our alliance further and she would be honored to have me there. The letter is very intriguing and I feel the sudden urge to meet this queen. I look up at the man as he tells me to make a decision within 24 hours whether or not I will accept Queen Daenerys's invitation. He states that there is a ship leaving for Meereen tomorrow at dusk at the dock in the grasslands outside of Winterfell. I feel a sudden rush of excitement as I realize that I have the opportunity to meet this queen and discuss our alliance further. I look over at my wolf who is still standing beside me and feel even more determined to accept her invitation. I rush back to the castle to fill my siblings and fellow soldiers in on the news. I tell them that I have been contacted by Queen Daenerys Targaryen in Meereen who wants to ally with us and overthrow the Lannisters. I tell them that I have been invited to go to Meeran to discuss her offer further and that there is a ship leaving tomorrow evening at the dock in the grasslands a few hours outside of Winterfell. I can see their reactions are mixed, some are excited and hopeful and some are wary and cautious. I notice that my sisters are hesitant to let me leave but they eventually come to understand that it is necessary, especially in light of Stannis's defeat by the Lannisters. I can tell from their reactions that they are not completely comfortable with me leaving, but they also trust my judgment and they can see the importance of the invitation I have received from Queen Daenerys. They express their concern and warn me to be cautious, but in the end they support my decision.
I have decided to accept Queen Daenerys's invitation and make preparations for my trip. I know it is a long and perilous journey, but I believe that it is necessary in order to ally with this queen and her dragons. I call my generals together to discuss the details of the journey and to plan for my departure. I also make sure to say goodbye to my siblings, who are still slightly hesitant about me leaving but ultimately support my decision. The next day has arrived and I am making my way to the docks where a ship is waiting for me. I am filled with anticipation and excitement as I begin to visualize this journey and the meeting I will have with this mysterious Targaryen queen in Meereen. I have made all my final preparations, I have said my goodbyes, and now I am ready to set sail for my encounter with Daenerys Targaryen.
I see the cloaked man waiting for me by a small black ship, the ship that will take me on my journey to Meereen. I approach curiously and cautiously, not sure what to expect. The man's appearance and the cloak he wears give off an ominous vibe, and I cannot help but feel slightly nervous as I approach him. He stands still, waiting for me, and I do not know what he has in store for me. The man greets me and shows a warm welcome as he ushers me on the ship. I am a bit surprised by the man's kindness, as I was expecting a harder and more demanding welcome. I follow the man on board the ship and I cannot help but feel excited about this next journey. Seeing all of this makes me quite excited to meet a Targaryen in person and see if they are as majestic and magnificent as the myths say they are. I am eager to meet Daenerys Targaryen and to learn more about her mission and her intentions towards the North.
The ship sets sail and I look back watching the familiar sight of the greenlands fade into the distance. I feel a bittersweet sense of sorrow as I watch those greenlands disappear from my sight, knowing that I am leaving the lands I have lived in for the majority of my life. At the same time, I cannot help but feel a sense of excitement for what lies ahead of me in this journey to Meereen and to meet Queen Daenerys.

Finally seeing the iconic architecture of Meereen, I cannot help but feel giddy with anticipation. This journey was certainly worth the wait. I look up at the prow, eagerly awaiting our arrival at the Great Pyramid of the mother of dragons. The ship docks at the and I step onto the beach and take a deep breath, savoring the scent of the salty sea air. I feel a rush of energy and excitement as I realize that I have safely made it to Meereen and that my journey to meet Daenerys Targaryen is finally at hand. I take in the sights of the beautiful island, noticing how peaceful and serene it is compared to Westeros.
The warm and sunny weather of Meereen is worlds apart from the harsh and frigid climates of the North. The lush palm trees and the clear blue water create a sense of tranquility and calmness that is in stark contrast to the violence and turbulence I am used to in Westeros.

An alliance of ice and fire ( Daenerys Targaryen X Robb Stark)Where stories live. Discover now