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Robb Stark

I walk with Arya in my arms and we keep heading away from the castle. The longer we walk, the further we get away from all that we saw and all that happened today.
I think about how lucky we are to be walking away from that castle instead of being dead on the floor like so many others.
I keep hearing my mother telling to find allies and seek help as we walk.
I know that is what we need to do now that we are out of that castle, but in this moment I am just happy to be alive with my little sister.
We keep walking and Grey Wind continues to follow us from behind.
I lead Arya and Grey Wind along the path towards the Eyrie to meet up with Sansa. I know that we will have to cross many miles of terrain to reach the Eyrie, but we will do whatever it takes to find our sister and reunite our family.
I realize that once Arya and I make our way to the Eyrie, the first task I should complete is to summon my brother Jon to come and join our family. I feel that if we have more of our family together, we will be much safer than if we were alone.
As we approach the forest surrounding the Eyrie, I realize how close we are to being reunited with Sansa.
We may have lost a lot, but I finally feel like everything is going to be alright.
I continue to lead Arya and Grey Wind into the forest with the Eyrie in sight. As we proceed towards the castle I look around the area. I am hoping that we will be able to find Sansa with ease and re-unite with her.
I also hope that we will be able to stay at the castle until we have secured sufficient allies to defeat the Lannisters. I see that there is some commotion at the castle, but I am so eager to find my sister I cannot focus on it right now.
A huge weight lifts off my shoulders because I realize we have made it to the Eyrie. When I see my aunt Lysa waiting for us, I am overwhelmed with joy at having my family together again. 
When I see Sansa run over to us I feel a huge sense of relief overcome me. I am overjoyed to have my family together once again. The three of us share a long embrace, not saying any words but just reveling in each other's presence and being reunited once again.
I hold my sister's and I can't believe they are both alive. The thought of losing my sisters had been torturing me for so long and their survival is the happiest news I have heard . I sit down with Arya and Sansa beside me. I know that my little sisters were not present for the events of what happened , So I feel it is important to tell them everything that I've witnessed. I look at the both of them as I begin to tell my stories and I can see their eyes getting wider and wider as they hear the shocking things I have to tell them, I  sadly tell them what's happened to our  mother at the massacre, The look of horror on my sisters' faces is enough to tear me apart. I cannot believe that one night could have brought so much destruction to our family.
Our mother was the heart of our family and I cannot believe that we have all been ripped apart like this. It is a painful truth to have to relay to my sisters, but it is one that must be done.
They must know what has happened. We all comfort each other and try to grieve together the loss of our parents and brothers. It is a terrible time for all of us, but somehow I find comfort in knowing that all three of us are together again.
We have been through so much, but now at least we know that we have each other and we are not alone in this world.
It is small comfort in a time of so much sorrow, but it is still a relief to know I have my sisters here with me.

I take some time to adjust to my new environment and try to come up with a plan for the future. I know that we need alliances and support if we want to stand a chance against the Lannisters. Daenerys Targaryen is a possibility, but she is still far away in Essos.
I also continue to think about what else I can do to ensure the safety of my family and the North,
When my attention is drawn to the raven that flies through the window and drops a scroll on a table.
I pick up the scroll to see who it is from and read it, I can't believe my eyes as I read the scroll and process what is written. The boltons? They have somehow taken over Winterfell and control the North now. I feel a surge of anger that this horrible news has reached us right when we thought things were starting to look better. I cannot believe that the Boltons have somehow stolen our ancestral home away from us.
I realize that we need to move with care and caution.
With the boltons controlling Winterfell and the North, we cannot underestimate how dangerous our situation has become. I don't even want to think about what they could do if they found out that we are all still alive here in the Eyrie.
I also know that making the right alliances will be crucial before making any attempts to retake our home.
I decide to send a raven to my brother Jon asking him to join us in the Eyrie as soon as possible. Once he is here, we can begin to make plans for how we are going to retake the North and Winterfell from the Boltons.
I want us all to be together so we can have as much strength as possible.

2 weeks pass and Jon finally arrives in the eyrie, I am so relieved to see my dear brother Jon arriving at the Eyrie. Having all three of my siblings in one place makes a huge difference to me.
I feel as if some hope is restored after all the losses I have experienced recently. Not only is Jon one of my siblings, but he is the one of the last surviving male Starks and he is just as invested in taking back Winterfell as I am.
I am confident that with him here our chances of successful have increased. the two of us begin to come up with a plan to take back winterfell, Jon our sisters and I will go to castle black with the knights of the Vale and fight the boltons with their help along with the help of the knights watch.
With this plan now in place, I feel as if we have a greater chance of success in taking back Winterfell and returning the North to House Stark. We have the support of the Knights of the Vale as well as the Knights Watch, and hopefully our numbers can make the difference in this fight.
We may have to fight some hard battles along the way, but I am confident that with a sound plan and our strong resolve, we will eventually take back our home from the Boltons.

I lead our forces out of the Eyrie and we make our way back North to Castle Black. The days of traveling across the mountains are long and arduous, but I lead my army with a determination and hope that we can restore our family's honor and reclaim Winterfell from the Boltons.
I know that we will face many challenges along the way, but I believe that with our resolve and our allies, the task is not impossible.
As the days of our journey continue, Sansa approaches me with the idea to recruit a very powerful ally to our cause. She suggests that we seek out Brienne of Tarth, a strong woman warrior who is known to be formidable in combat. I am impressed with Sansa's idea and I agree with her that we need all the resources at our disposal if we want to retake Winterfell.
We decide to send Sansa ahead to make contact with Brienne and recruit her for the cause. Our forces have grown significantly since the beginning of our journey and we have now allied with Stannis Baratheon and his forces. I feel that our army is now much stronger with the support of Stannis as he is a seasoned battle commander who is well respected and admired by many.
This alliance gives our army a great advantage, one that I believe will help us greatly when we face the Boltons in battle.

Once we arrive in the North we spend the next few days preparing our forces and arranging a battle strategy to take back Winterfell. We have a powerful army now with the support of Stannis Baratheon, the Knights of the Vale, and the Knights Watch. We prepare our forces and plan our attack so that we can defeat the Boltons and reclaim Winterfell for our family. The day has finally come and the army that you lead into battle is victorious.

We have fought a hard battle against the Boltons and reclaimed our ancestral home in the North. Many men were lost in the fight, but at the end we won and we have secured our victory. I will spend the next few days trying to settle into my new position as lord of Winterfell again.

After a long and arduous journey, we finally manage to settle back into our home at Winterfell.
The people of the North are overjoyed to see me and my family back in control of Winterfell, and they are celebrating our victory against the Boltons. I am glad that the North has once again returned to the hands of the Starks and I will not take this responsibility for granted.
I will do everything in my power to protect the people of the North and keep them safe.

An alliance of ice and fire ( Daenerys Targaryen X Robb Stark)Where stories live. Discover now