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Robb Stark
I notice a man waiting for me by the trees I wave and approach him. "You must be with Daenerys Targaryen"

Ser Jorah
I nod and introduce myself as Sir Jorah Mormont advisor to Daenerys Targaryen.

Robb Stark
I nod and smile. "Great to meet you, Ser Jorah"I'm impressed how quickly Daenerys Targaryen received my letter and sent him all the way here to guide me to her. "You must be very important to her"

Ser Jorah
"I've been her advisor for some time and I care deeply for her"

Robb Stark
I nod. That's admirable. "You know, I've heard a great deal about the Mother of Dragons, but I must admit I am very curious to meet her and see if the stories are true" I stare at the colossal structure of the Great Pyramid with awe. I don't know what to expect upon meeting Daenerys, but my imagination is running wild. With each step I grow more and more eager to see her in person. Ser Jorah guides me up the stairs and you approach the door stopping before it and giving me a serious look,

Robb Stark
I stop and look back at ser Jorah, realizing how serious this moment is. I nod and return his serious gaze.

Sir Jorah
"If you try anything to harm her the last thing you see will be a dragons flames engulfing you"

Robb Stark
I nod, fully understanding. I may be eager to meet her, but the last thing I would ever want to do is harm the mother of dragons. I give ser Jorah a solemn nod in reassurance. He nods his head and opens the door into the throne room. Before me stands a woman of remarkable beauty. She has the classic Targaryen features: violet eyes, pale skin, and silver-gold hair. She wears a flowing white robe with gold embroidery all along the hems, accentuated by silver jewelry. She is clearly a woman of power and importance, just as I have been told. I cannot help but be impressed by her presence as she stares back at me with a powerful and commanding gaze. I bow my head and she bows back greeting me kindly, My eyes wanders from Daenerys's captivating appearance to the black and red dragon behind her. I cannot help but stare in awe at the majestic creature. I had always heard dragons were magnificent creatures, but to see one in person is something else entirely. As my gaze drifts back to the dragon's human counterpart, I cannot help but admire her powerful presence. She is truly a mother of dragons.

Daenerys Targaryen
"Beautiful isn't he" I say with a smile

Robb Stark
I nod, awestruck. I cannot manage more than a brief nod of admiration, overwhelmed by the sight of the dragon behind her. As I continue to stare at her, I cannot help but see the similarities between her and the dragon. They are both majestic, powerful, and graceful beings, worthy of admiration and respect. I nod again and my lips tilt up into a small, sincere smile when she motions for me to approach her. I follow the motion with a nod and walk towards her, my eyes still occasionally darting to the dragon behind her. My words feel caught in my throat, completely overwhelmed by the moment. I can only nod in response and try to take my eyes off of the dragon long enough to maintain a conversation.

Daenerys Targaryen
I laugh softly "would you like to touch him" I say motioning towards the dragon.

Robb Stark
A genuine smile crosses my face at the offer to touch the dragon. I nod excitedly. I'd never thought I'd have the opportunity to get so close to a dragon, much less pet one. She takes my hand and slowly guides me over to the dragon My eyes are glued to the magnificent dragon, staring in reverence and awe as the powerful creature stares back. As we get near, I slowly reach out my hand, not wanting to startle the dragon, The dragon smells my hand and allows me to stroke him, I reach out and slowly stroke the dragon. The texture of the animal's scales impresses me as I feel their warm, smooth surface. My heart is pounding in my chest as I touch the dragon, and the sensation of my fingers sliding along its skin fills me with an incredible sense of awe and wonder. I look up at Daenerys and share a smile. "Amazing" I whisper.

An alliance of ice and fire ( Daenerys Targaryen X Robb Stark)Where stories live. Discover now