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Robb Stark
As I board the ship, I cannot help but continuously look back and see her standing on the shore with the last of my tears falling from my eyes as I feel the pain and sadness wash over me.
I keep looking back at her until she fades into the distance, disappearing from my sight as my ship heads out into the open waters of the sea and I begin my return back home. I stand on the deck of the ship and stare out over the horizon, enjoying the calmness of the sea and the solitude of my own thoughts. I am filled with nothing but the memory of her and our incredible night, and I cannot help but let out a smile as I remember how perfectly our bodies fit together. I think of my kiss with her lips, eager to soon taste them again with every moment of anticipation leading up to our next meeting. After what seemed like an eternity of being at sea far away from Westeros, I now return to my home. The first thing I want to do after so long away is to ask my family about what I missed. But I cannot forget the memories of being with Daenerys that I have carried with me during the journey. I keep our time together in my heart and mind as I make my way back to Winterfell. I am surprised when the captain of this ship hands me a small box as I leave. As I take the box, I see the insignia of a dragon on it which I have come to recognize as her seal. I open the box and find a ring the same silver color as my house banner and small ruby placed in the center, Along with a note saying as a symbol of our partnership signed Daenerys. The beautiful and delicate silver ring contains a ruby in the center. The ring shines brightly and reminds me of her beauty and the incredible bond we have formed together. I look down to the note and read it, seeing the word "partnership" written on it, and I feel a rush of affection and joy wash over me at the thought of our relationship and my newfound connection to her house. As I feel the ring slide onto my finger, I feel my heart flutter and my chest grow heavy with joy. I know that this ring represents the love and alliance we have formed together, and it makes me feel closer to her than I have been before. I continue my way home happily, thinking of the new chapter of my life that has begun with her.

An alliance of ice and fire ( Daenerys Targaryen X Robb Stark)Where stories live. Discover now