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Robb Stark
The morning after our night feels almost as wonderful as the night before. We talk softly to each other, enjoying our time together while we eat a light breakfast and feed the dragons. The dragons make the morning seem even more special with their playful nature and friendly faces. Time seems to skip ahead as we remain together. Even just sitting together and talking is enough to spark a feeling of warmth and comfort in my heart. I feel my heart fill with joy and my entire body with bliss as I am just simply happy to be next to her and to have enjoyed the incredible experience we shared last night. After enjoying the morning together, I sense the shift in the air as we hear a knock on the door. I look over to her and see her sad expression, but I know that our time together has come to an end. I move to her and place my arms around her, kissing her softly. We had so little time together, but I will never forget this night or the feeling of being one with her.
She takes my hand I let out a small sigh as I follow her to where my ship awaits. My body felt heavy and my heart ached as I realized that it would still be a long time before I can see her again. I cannot help but hold on to her tightly as we walk towards the ship, enjoying every moment we can steal together. We stop and stand facing each other, both of us wanting this moment to last forever. We both know that we are now headed for our respective families and kingdoms, but it does not make the thought of being separated any easier. We are like two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly and it is incredibly hard to fathom being apart after everything we have shared.

Daenerys Targaryen
"Im going to miss you"

Robb Stark
I pull her close to me once more as I hold her tightly, my breath becoming heavier and my heart beginning to ache at the thought of being apart from her. I look into her eyes and see the sadness of our situation, and I feel my own tear up as well. I do not want to be apart from her, and I feel an overwhelming sense of regret that this was such a short period of time. We kiss passionately not wanting it to be our last, The kiss grows in passion as we both try to enjoy what little time we have left together in this moment. Our lips press together, the heat of our breath rising into each other's faces and the taste of each other filling our mouths. I cling to her tightly, wanting to delay the inevitable as long as possible before our lips finally part with a deep sigh. I notice Drogon flying over to say goodbye to me and the other dragons following his lead. I cannot help but smile as I see them coming towards me with their friendly faces and eager energy. This farewell only serves to remind me of how difficult it will be to be apart from you and the bond we have formed. I move towards them and gently pet Rhaegal, enjoying his closeness for a few precious moments before I have to board the ship. We let go of each other, letting the sadness wash over me as I stare at her for the last time. My hand still reaches for her as I struggle to let go. I keep my eyes on yours for a few precious moments, feeling the ache of separation begin to wash through my heart. We had so little time together, and yet these moments are imprinted forever in my mind. I want to stay with you forever, but I know I have to leave. I lean in again wanting to taste her lips one last time before I really have to go. We share a last kiss, The kiss lingers and I hold her tightly, feeling the warmth of her breath upon my face and the softness of her lips. I cannot help but have my tears run down my cheeks as the thought of us being separated hits me with incredible force. My fingers caress the back of her neck as I try to hold onto every bit of her. I look down and say quietly "I'll see you again, my queen" And I pull away from her one last time, walking down the gangplank and onto my ship.

An alliance of ice and fire ( Daenerys Targaryen X Robb Stark)Where stories live. Discover now