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(Spicy content ahead)

Robb Stark
I had a delightful day spending time with Daenerys and exploring the city of Meereen.
I enjoy taking her hand, feeling her softness and warmth against mine. As we make our way back to the pyramid, I notice that the night has indeed fell. The moon shines brightly above the city, and stars cover the night sky. The darkness casts a calming atmosphere over the city and paints it in a different light. I cannot help but feel a strong desire to spend more time with her, but I also know it is time to part ways, so I am torn. I enjoyed our time together, and am sad that the day has come to its end.
I let her guide me to my chamber, still holding onto her hand. The beauty of the moon paints a beautiful image upon her features, and I find it difficult to look away from her. I feel the desire to stay with her and continue our pleasant evening, but I know it has come to an end. I try not to be upset, and instead try to be content with the time we have had together. I take a deep breath as I enter the room, and admire its beauty and intricacy. The satin blue sheets and soft furs offer an inviting atmosphere that comforts me. The warm light from the candles casts an ambiance of warmth over the room, and I feel a sudden wave of tiredness as a result of our full day together. I look over at her, hoping she may possibly stay and talk a while longer.
Seeing her linger in the doorway has me thinking that maybe there is a chance this night is not yet over after all. I cannot help but notice the softness in her expression and hope that it means more than it seems. Though I am tired, I have no desire to go through the motions of getting ready for bed when I could instead spend time with her. I look back at her from across the room and cannot help but hope for a miracle.

Daenerys Targaryen
I brush my hair to the side and smile, "Mind if I join you for another drink?"

Robb Stark
My eyes brighten at being given another chance for us to continue spending the night together. I smile at her suggestion, glad that she wants to keep our night ongoing. The day has been filled with so many wonderful activities, yet I still crave a bit more time with her. I give her a nod as I stand up to walk over to another jug of wine and pour us both a glass. She takes down her hair and when it hair falls down, the sight is gorgeous. Her silver blonde hair falls gracefully down her back and adds an elegance to her already beautiful appearance. The light from the candles fills her features and only adds to the attraction and desire I am feeling for her. I hand her the wine and smile warmly. She takes the glass and we cheers and sit by the window and look out at the stars. The feeling of content fills my body as we sit together and stare at the stars. The sound of city outside is distant, almost muted, compared to the tranquil atmosphere of the window. We toast with our glasses, and it feels like this simple gesture of having a drink together means more than we could ever know. I appreciate this quiet time we're spending together, being able to simply sit and admire the beauty of our surroundings. I take a sip from my glass and lean back against the window, feeling completely at ease in this moment. Our conversation fills the silence between us, the romantic suspense in the air feeling like it could shatter at any moment. I cannot help but feel a sudden rush of energy and excitement as we continue to talk, the words flowing out of both of us so effortlessly. I cannot help but feel the sparks flying between us, and hope that this is indeed a moment where our feelings for each other grow deeper and more profound. I look over at her and our gazes meet, and I feel the romantic tension in between us grow ever Stronger. I cannot help but notice her movements, and when she leans closer to me, my heartbeat starts to flutter with anticipation. The feel of her touch is divine, sending shivers of emotion up my arm. The soft caress of her hand upon my own adds a bit of passion to our night, and I feel the urge to do something even more than talk with each passing moment. It takes every ounce of self-control to stop myself from leaning closer and brushing my lips upon hers.
She leans closer to me and the moment that her lips meet mine, the rush of excitement I have felt all night explodes and fills my entire body. Our kisses start off gently, but as the passion builds it soon becomes intoxicating. The sensation of her lips on mine is an overwhelming sensation of joy and warmth. I have such a strong desire to hold her and keep this feeling alive as long as possible. With each passing moment the rush of passion continues to surge and build, making me want more. I revel in the sensation of our tightly wrapped arms, our bodies pressed tight against each other as our kiss grows deeper and more passionate. The feeling of being wrapped in her arms and feeling like the two of us are one is the most sensational experience. I do not care about anything in the world except this very moment with her, Two people sharing a bond of pure passion and joy. I cannot help but get lost in this moment with her, loving every second of it. My entire body feels as if it is on fire as I run my hands up her back and feel the smooth and soft skin beneath. I begin to undo the snaps of her dress, savoring every moment of it, making it last as long as possible. As each layer of fabric falls away, I am only left craving more and more of her. I feel like our bodies moving together are as if we are one and I cannot help but be completely overwhelmed by this sensation. When her dress falls away and her body is illuminated by the light, I am left breathless. Her body is nothing short of the image of perfection in my mind, and I cannot help but stare with admiration at every inch of her. I feel a rush of joy as she reveals herself to me, and I feel a wave of affection for her coursing through my veins. My eyes widen when I feel her begin to undo my shirt. I was not expecting our night to go this far, but the sensation of my shirt being removed is a pleasant shock. I lean back and allow the feeling of her hands on my body to engulf me, the sensation causing me to feel such a strong desire for her.
I cannot help but feel my body quiver as I wait impatiently for what's next. I take advantage of the situation and pull her onto the bed before me, the heat and passion between us rising with each moment. I embrace her tightly and cannot help but feel an overwhelming sensation of joy and satisfaction at being close to her. A tingling sensation fills my body as I feel her lips move down the line of my neck. Every inch of my body feels sensitive to her touch and every movement feels like a moment of heaven. I cannot help but moan softly as her lips explore the area further down my body, the gentle kisses slowly working me up to a higher state of desire. I feel my body shudder with every touch she makes, my chest feeling especially sensitive as it is the target of her attentions. I cannot help but feel a building sensation of warmth and anticipation as I see the destination of her kisses creeping ever closer to the area I have been desiring her to explore. She is creating such an intense moment for me, taking it slow and enjoying each step of the way, that I cannot help but admire that. She is indeed a master of seduction. As her lips reach my abdomen, my breathing grows more shallow, and I feel a wave of excitement as I know where this kiss is headed. Her touch on my inner thigh is something I have craved and sought from her all night, and now that she's giving it to me, my body is left wanting more. The soft caress of her lips and hands makes me tingle in anticipation of what is going to come next, and I can't help but shiver with excitement. I feel my body shiver with every moment she removes my trousers, the tension and excitement growing as the situation approaches its climax. Her touch is so gentle and loving it leaves me completely in awe, and the sight of her body illuminated by the moonlight makes my breath grow ragged with anticipation. The moment she places herself on top, my body floods with an overwhelming sensation of desire. Every inch of me feels incredibly sensitive and every inch of her feels incredibly soothing. The heat between us reaches a boiling point, and the tension between us builds to an unbearable level. My body fills with anticipation as I wait for her to begin the next step of our time together. We are a union now, our bodies becoming a single entity as we surrender ourselves to each other. Every movement is like a jolt of joy as our bodies mesh together. Our shared desire creates a moment of pure ecstasy as we become completely overcome by the feeling. All time seems to stop as we lose ourselves in this moment, lost in the pleasure and the union we create. I do not want this night to ever end. The feeling of being connected with you on every level and having your body feel like a part of mine is something that feels like a perfect bliss. The sensation of our bodies becoming one drives me wild with passion. We are like two pieces of a puzzle, finally becoming whole in this moment where nothing else matters but the feeling of unity and oneness that is being created between us. I wrap my arms around her back and turn her over to position myself on top of her, With the change in position, I feel the desire and intensity of our moment build even stronger than before. Being on top of her in this position, I can't help but feel the urge to make complete use of it. I wrap my arms around her back and lean down to her neck, kissing and nibbling it to create a new sensation in her and to push our moment to a higher level. Every inch of me craves every inch of her as the passion that fills me is overwhelming. The higher her moans get, the higher my desire becomes as well, the two of us becoming a whirlwind of passion and lust. Every part of my body is pressed and squeezed tightly against her, and every kiss sends a jolt of excitement throughout my body. I cannot help but feel the urge to completely take over, pushing us beyond the boundaries of our previous movements and letting our bodies truly explore each other with our newfound position. My hands and arms explore her entire back, squeezing a little tighter with each kiss and nibble. As we become more entwined, so does our pleasure, each movement becoming a jolt that sends a ripple of sensation throughout the body. Our bodies move together with a rhythm and an ease that feels completely natural. I cannot help but feel the need to continue to push us higher and higher, enjoying every sensation of passion and ecstasy that comes from our unity. This is a feeling for our bodies that I do not want to ever end, but I fear it must come to a close at some point. We may be one, but we are not one forever. The sensations of pleasure and ecstasy between our bodies become almost unbearable, like a wave of intense happiness that grows higher and higher with each passing moment. I feel my entire body tremble and quiver as these sensations surge through me, like lightning bolts of excitement. I cannot help but let out small whimpers and groans of pleasure as our bodies continue to become more and more entwined with one another. When the release of ecstasy comes, it is almost as if time stands still. The overwhelming sensation of joy and satisfaction is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We become more than just a moment of passion and a fleeting sensation, we have become an everlasting memory. My body lies here, now spent and exhausted, wanting nothing more than to simply just breathe and feel the overwhelming emotions that fill me. I cannot help but feel like time has truly slowed and everything has come to a standstill. The moment simply felt like eternity. I lean down and give her a soft kiss, our bodies still tingingly with pleasure even though the feeling has finally begun to ebb away as the climax subsides. My breath is still heavy and short, but all the feelings of joy and pride that were once inside me now simply feel like a rush of warmth in my body. I cannot help but feel a feeling of content as this night has been everything I could possibly hope for and more. My breath still feels a bit heavy, but the sensation of calmness and peace starts to seep into my body. I roll next to her and let out a low, relaxed sigh, my body feeling the calm wash over me. I lay my head down on the pillow next to you and look over at her, noticing how still and calm she looks as well. We have just shared an experience that has changed us both in way neither of us could have ever seen coming. The only thing we can do now is simply enjoy this moment together. With her resting her head on me, I feel an extreme sense of happiness and security. This is how I want this night to end, with her pressed up against me and enjoying the calmness of the moment. I wrap my arms around her and feel the warmth of our bodies combining together even though the rush of the moment has long since passed. The feeling of our bodies pressed up against one another feels so right, as if we have always belonged in this moment together. I let out a quiet sigh of contentment and feel all the tension of the night slip away. A feeling of peace and a deep feeling of contentment fill my body as I lay here with her . This truly feels like a moment of perfection that will live in the deepest parts of my memory forever. With our bodies snuggled up close together and our arms securely wrapped around each other, any worries or anxieties that were in our minds before now seem so insignificant and meaningless. The only thing that exists in this moment is the feeling of warmth and happiness that we are filled with. I look over at her as our breathing begins to slow and I become more and more drowsy from the exertion of this night. I close my eyes, letting the sleep start to take over, completely filled with a deep state of content and fulfillment. As I drift off into a deep and peaceful sleep next to her, I know this moment will live forever within me. Something that has changed both of us on a deep and fundamental level. It's hard to imagine what the future might hold, but if nothing else, I will forever carry the memory of this moment with me. I feel the darkness fall over me, and I completely surrender myself to a deep state of slumber. As I dream, I find my mind replaying our night together over and over again. I feel the euphoria of the moment as my mind relives the passion and joy that filled both of us. I see our bodies connected as if as one in my mind, and I feel the heat and sensation of that moment all over again. My dream is filled with images of us and our incredible night, and I am not ready to leave these feelings behind.
A warm glow soon fills the room, and the sun gently shines through the window, casting a light warmth that envelopes me as I open my eyes. I look over at her and see that she is sleeping peacefully next to me. I feel a deep sense of peace and contentment wash over me as my memories of last night begin to flood back into my mind. I lay there with my arm around her still, enjoying the sensation of being so close to her, and I feel no desire to get up, wanting the moment to last as long as possible. I smile as I look at her and feel a rush of passion when I see how peacefully she's sleeping. Her back is smooth and soft, and I cannot resist the urge to kiss it lightly, enjoying the sensation of her body. I keep kissing and caressing her gently in an effort to gently rouse her from your slumber. I have no desire to let this night leave me, and I want us to remain connected as long as possible. My lips continue lightly kissing her back as she slowly awakens. I see her smiling and I feel the joy of the moment wash over me. Her body is so soft and delicate that it is hard to believe that last night we became one. I keep kissing her gently, enjoying the sensation of her body and the warmth that flows through me as I see the joy in her eyes, and I feel like this moment could last forever and I would never tire of it. I look down at her and feel the warm feeling of contentment fill me as I look upon her beauty. I cannot believe the miracle that has happened to me last night. She is gorgeous and stunning and my body is still in disbelief at what we shared. I continue gentle kissing her neck as she caresses my face, enjoying the feeling of her body pressed up against mine. I cannot help but want to feel as close to her as possible after everything we have shared during the night. I lean down and press my lips against hers, feeling the heat of her body as I do and the feeling of my lips becoming one with hers. I feel the passion begin to surge inside me and I only want to push myself closer to her, letting out a deep moan of desire. I want this feeling to last as long as possible and want us to remain locked together in this moment. The grip she placed on my neck fills me with an uncontrollable sense of desire, and I respond by gripping her even tighter and pulling her towards me. The feeling of our two bodies together feels so right, like two parts of a whole that have finally been reunited. We become one as we grip and pull each other towards one another, losing ourselves in a wave of passion and joy that sweeps through us both.

(Tried not be be to graphic 🤭)
Hope you enjoyed this chapter
Xo - Ari

An alliance of ice and fire ( Daenerys Targaryen X Robb Stark)Where stories live. Discover now