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My claws tapped against the edge of the book I read. There was little to do on such a slow afternoon. I sighed as I pushed the book aside. I had a hard time concentrating. It was odd when I could not find enjoyment in reading. It was one of the few solaces I had in this hell I remained in. I glanced around at the walls of books that stood in my library. Some of them floated around with little wings. Others napped on tables as they waited to be used. I felt so bad for my little creatures. They rarely saw anyone's face anymore. It had been decades since I closed the library. I stared up at the crimson sky outside of my skylight. The tree I used as base for this library was well hidden from wandering eyes. In the epicenter of hell, it remained undisturbed by the execution days. The spell to make this happened drained a lot of blood in the process. However, one person could see it plain as day compared to the other denizens of hell. And he slowly walked around the library as I remained here bored out of my mind. 

"You must die of boredom here," the owl-like figure stated as he walked up to my desk. 

"You don't know the half of it, Stolas." The Goitia demon had given this place to me when I originally dealt with him. It was his safe haven as much as it was my own. We bonded over the millennia of books that lived here. I was forever grateful to the astrological demon. He was a kind soul compared to most, though sometimes unethical. "How is your fiery imp?"

"We are not...doing well," he admitted despondently. 

"I am sorry to hear that." 

"Well, if he were ever here, I would ask you to talk to him. Maybe learn something that I am unaware of." 

"Ah, young love. So beautiful and chaotic," I drawled. Stolas chuckled as he motioned toward the library. 

"Have you ever wanted to reopen this place? I know it had not been open since Scarlet had been killed." I grimaced at the name. That was the last thing I wanted to hear from him. He had been the one that ended her life. A growl escaped me before I could stop myself. Stolas's eyes flashed a bright red. Fear ran through my veins. But, when I realized nothing happened, I settled down slightly. 

"You know I had no choice," Stolas hissed. 

"I am well aware," I agreed bitterly. 

"Octavia misses the books," Stolas commented. "And she will not come here if her friends are not with her, or that boytoy of hers. I want you to reopen the place." My own eyes widened at the thought. "Besides, it would be good for you to get back out there as an overlord. Go back to dealing secrets for souls. You were good at it." 

"I still have a hold over quite a few," I admitted as I opened a desk drawer. The contracts remained intact. "Do I really need to do this?" 

"I have my reasons," he admitted. 

"Can I at least know the reason? I refuse to put blood on the book if I do not have to." Stolas regarded my comment for a moment. I crossed my arms over my chest. 

"If you MUST know," Stolas muttered, "it is because that damned Valentino aimed to contract my little imp." 

"Oh shit." The very idea made me cringe. I knew that Valentino was the idiotic abuser of the three, but to go after such precious cargo was unheard of. Even without it being said aloud, most overlords knew that Blitzo was off the market. It was an unspoken truth. "Alright, I guess I could make him disappear. But the other V's may not be as understanding." 

"I could care less what you do to them. Get rid of them," Stolas demanded quietly. "I created you to do my bidding, so make it happen." I gulped at his words. "If you do this for me, I may be inclined to give you some freedom. As of right now, I am demanding you come back to the pride ring as an overlord and make him go away. Whatever means necessary." 

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