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I hummed as I made coffee in the kitchen. All three Carmine women were still fast asleep in their beds. I guess I was the only one that liked to wake up at the crack of dawn. I glanced around the kitchen and noticed I had more than enough time to make them breakfast before they started their busy days. I grabbed the ingredients and got to cooking. As the smells of breakfast permeated throughout the house, I heard sleepy footsteps in its wake. One by one each of the women stumbled down to the kitchen. 

Carmilla was the first to greet my eyes. She gave me a sleepy smile as she aimed for the freshly made coffee. She sat down at the table with a cup in hand. I waited for her to fully wake up as I flipped the contents in the pan. I started to prep the plates when the rest of the family came down. Odette had the cutest bed head while Clara wore a dark red silk bonnet. I giggled at the drowsy women in my care. I sat plates in front of everyone. It was simple French toast with some fruit cut up on the side. I used to make it a lot back on Earth. I grabbed my plate and sat down beside Carmilla. The four of us ate in silence. Seeing how all the plates were wiped clean, I assumed everyone liked their dishes.  

As if on cue, my darling felines came down the stairs meowing for their breakfast. The girls stared at them with wild fascination as I got up. Cinnamon Roll was an orange and cream-colored cat while Storybook was a black and white peppered, dark grey cat with darker stripes. They made the perfect companions that scampered around the library and watched for any lesser demons stealing any belongings. They also were fantastic cuddle buddies on especially lonely nights. I found them after I lost Scarlet and have been by my side since. Their heads tapped against my open palms and accepted the morning affection. Their deep purrs were adorable. I pulled away and grabbed their bowls. Dry kibble would tie them over until they went hunting later for lesser demons. 

"I didn't know you had cats," Carmilla chimed in. I glanced back at the three. The girls had stars in their eyes. 

"Can we pet them!?" Clara demanded to know. I chuckled at the outburst. 

"After they are done with breakfast, you can even take them out on a walk. They have harnesses and leashes by the door. They like to hunt for fun and the walk is good for them." You would have thought I gave those two girls the keys to heaven by the way they squealed. Carmilla was even surprised by their actions. The moment the cats were done, Odette and Clara sprang into action. They picked matching harnesses and wrangled the cats into them. Good thing my Storybook was aware they were guests and not food. Cinnamon Roll just loved all the attention. I was not worried about him being sweet on the girls. I looked back at an intrigued ballerina. 

"Any other pets that you have not told me about?" She inquired. 

"Nope, those are my companions," I admitted as I sat back down. "And apparently, your daughters' companions as well." Carmilla breathed a laugh as she started picking up the plates. 

"Since we are intruders in your home, I'll clean," Carmilla jested as she aimed for the sink. 

"Oh, you really don't have to-." My words were stopped by a well-placed kiss on my lips. Carmilla licked the excess syrup off as she released me and went to doing the dishes. My cheeks darkened significantly. 

"Nonsense, I want to." The pleasure in her tone made my insides quiver. A smile glowed brighter on my face as I stood behind her. The water steamed and bubbled up as she dropped the plates in. I wrapped my arms gingerly around her waist and left a couple of pecks against her neck. Her body relaxed against me. It was a splendid feeling.

"I could get used to this," Carmilla mumbled as she pecked my cheek. 

"Me too." 

"After I finish this, would you like to go out for our usual morning coffee? I never can get enough, personally." The ballerina looked back at me with hopeful eyes. A small chuckle escaped. 

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