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Warning: This is a smut-only chapter. This has no real pertinence to the story. This is for all the smut readers who know my writing style and know there is at least one of these chapters in every book I write. This is skippable and you will not miss anything. 

If you are staying, I hope you enjoy it! 


Carmilla and I sat around the den for hours laughing about different stories from both Earth and Hell. She told me about how the girls grew up. As we drained cup after cup of coffee, I ended up having to brew a new pot. Carmilla gave me an easy smile as I returned to the den with a new steaming pot. 

"This has been the best date I have ever been on, Astra," Carmilla purred. I sat the pot on the coffee table. Her hand gently cupped my cheek and held my curious gaze. 

"It has been a wonderful time," I agreed. "You truly have been the brightest star in my life since I decided to come out of hiding." Carmilla slowly slid closer until our thighs touched. Her breath ghosted my face as her eyes flitted between my lips and my irises. They dilated as she brushed her mouth against mine. It sent electricity through my body. 

"Astra, I'm a selfish soul," Carmilla murmured against my cheek as she placed delicate kisses. "I want to be the reason you stay out of hiding. I...I want more Astra." Her teeth nibbled against my ear. Blush crashed against my cheeks. "I want you." Her hand fell to my breast and massaged it over the dress. "If you'll have me, I want to make you feel everything that you make me feel being with you." Kisses trailed down my jawline as her hand slipped underneath the dress. I gasped as her cool skin touched my hardened nipple. 

"Carmilla," I breathed against her ear. Her dark chuckle sparked a darker fire inside of me. One that wanted to consume us whole and mold us together. "I don't think you understand. I am a possessive person." 

"As am I," she noted lightly. 

"I-I-I...so badly want to be wanted by you." I was pushed down on the couch. Her larger hands went to the top half of my dress. It ripped easily and revealed my chest underneath. Rubies gazed at me with longing. Every fiber of my being screamed to beg her to continue. Instead, her hand fell from my clothes and trailed along my jawline. 

"Let me have you then," she said seductively. 

"Please," I begged. Something inside of her ignited. One hand went beside my head and held herself up. Her lips crashed into mine as her free hand worked their way to my breast and twisted my nipple. I whined. My hand slipped down underneath her dress and lightly grazed over her wet slit. I gasped as I gazed up into dilated eyes. 

"No underwear? Someone was hopeful," I chuckled. Her eyes rolled playfully as she hiked up her skirt. I was met with a delicious sight. 

"Well, you shouldn't disappoint," Carmilla grinned. 

The snap of my fingers from my free hand surprised her. Blue chains wrapped around her neck and hands. Surprise flashed into shock as she was dragged down on my couch. Her arms were trapped above her head as extra chains wrapped around her legs to pull them apart. I gently cupped her cheek as she looked up at me. 

"I never disappoint," I purred. "Tell me to stop if you feel uncomfortable. Alright?" 

"A-Alright." My claws went down to the pretty fabric and ripped it down the middle. I will buy her another later. I pushed the cloth aside and stared at the gorgeous delicacy underneath me. Carmilla's face turned as red as her dress. My eyes fell to the hardened nubs on her breasts. I took one in my mouth while I teased the other one with my fingers. Her head fell back from my hand as I traced kisses down her abdomen. I stopped when I reached her hip bones and my head fell between her legs. Eagerness slicked her thighs and dripped down her lips. 

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