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A few weeks had passed since the agreement was initiated. It was an amicable start. I would open the library early in the morning after the usual aerial bombings. Carmilla came by sometime after 10 in the morning. Her minions would stand around the entrance and work at a smaller volunteer desk I created for them while she took me for a stroll around the pentagram. We usually started at a coffee shop. She preferred her coffees as dark as the devil but as sweet as sugar while I settled for a vanilla black. After we got our drinks, she took me to a store and showed me different forms of technology. Sometimes I made purchases for the library. A lot of the newer technology seemed rather unusual in my opinion. Then we would go back to the library, and I would make deals for souls and book suggestions for the afternoon while she stood somewhere nearby.

Carmilla met me by the door for another day of sightseeing. My brows furrowed at the scowl that greeted me at the front door. I cocked my head to the side as I leaned against the doorframe. She started to walk away without a word. I took my time to catch up to her. 

"Well, you seem in a dapper mood," I commented. "Anything you would like to talk about?" 

"Someone decided to shoot up my house last night," Carmilla sighed bitterly. "I do not know who, but it troubled me, nonetheless. Odette and Clara are now staying at a friend's place for a few days. Until I get it handled. It is...bothersome." 

"Would you like the day off to go handle it?" My question was left in silence. 

"I doubt that would be necessary," she argued. 

"It upsets you. Of course, you can have the time off if needed. I would like to think I am rather understanding. Hell or not, you should not have to deal with the blatant disrespect. And I am sure that it is not ideal to be practically babysitting me all day." I watched the ballerina as she contemplated her options. I decided to direct us both toward cannibal town for some coffee. I left her to stew over her ministrations while I ordered for the both of us. By the time I got back with the coffee, she was more enraged than how I had left her. I offered the small cup as a peace treaty. When her gaze fell on me, her shoulders relaxed. 

"Thank you," she mumbled after a sip. "We must be spending too much time together if you remember my coffee order." 

"I try to remember things like that," I explained. "I like to get to know people. I guess I am old fashioned that way." The two of us exited the coffee shop. Cannibal town was nice. No one really cared who we were. Unless we were with Rosie, we were probably better prospects at becoming someone's breakfast. 

"Well, my stars! Is that who I think it is?" Speak of the devil, and she surely appeared. Carmilla cursed as we turned toward the cannibal overlord. 

"Rosie!" I motioned her over. "Wonderful to see you as always." 

"Well, it is not every day I see you two out of the library. You know, I was starting to wonder if Carmilla just moved in!" Rosie's laugh was infectious. She slithered her arm around my shoulder for a halfway hug. "Tell me, what brings you two to my part of town?" 

"We were here for coffee and were just leaving," Carmilla growled. Her eyes remained glued to Rosies's arm around me.  The ballerina casually moved the arm wrapped around me with two fingers. Afterwards, the same hand draped itself around my waist. My cheeks reddened as she pulled me along. "We will have to get together soon Rosie, but Astra and I must be on our way." Rosie's eyes fell to the grip on my waistline and giggled. She held a thumbs up to me and returned to whatever she had planned for the day. 

Carmilla made no move to remove her arm as we walked and sipped on our drinks.  

"So, about the day off? What are your thoughts?" 

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