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"Kinky! I never knew you were into blood play," I joked as Scarlet flew across the field. Her scowl was worth every word. I followed her at a few paces. I hoped that Carmilla would stay inside and watch over Clara and Odette. Scarlet was a soulless monster when she wanted to be. I was a witness to quite a few occasions where she never killed anyone, but they wished they were dead by the end of it. When she stopped, I kept a few paces of distance. 

"You don't have to do this," I called out. "You could just walk away and go after anyone else. Why are you here?" 

"It was a request from higher up that anyone that remembers the war perish," Scarlet exclaimed with a sadistic grin. "I'm sorry darling, but it seems you were at the top of the list I was given." Her fingers snapped and she was supplied with a new spear made out of holy light. I twirled the one she already threw at me. 

"Why?" I questioned. "Why now?" 

"I didn't ask. I didn't care. The chance of killing you is an opportunity I could not pass up." 

"You hated me that much? This whole time?" My inquiry made her hesitate. No matter how upset I was, I still loved her. She was still someone I cared deeply for. Was I really nothing more than someone she hated? My heart cried silently at the thought. Her smile faltered, and her lips curled down. 

"There was a time I loved you," she stated barely audible to my ears. "But that stopped the moment I was damned to hell with you." My eyes widened at the confession as she threw the spear. Her words froze me in place. This whole time?  This WHOLE FUCKING TIME!?!?!? A growl escaped me as tears threatened to escape. 

"Get out the fucking way!" A body collided into mine and forced me out of the way. Carmilla's crashed us both into the ground. I was tackled out of my thoughts as Carmilla shot a bullet Scarlet's way. The angel dodged with a roar of dissatisfaction. "What do you think you're doing? You are NOT getting out of this relationship that easily. Ex or no ex, you are mine now. You are not dying here!" Carmilla pulled me to my legs as she fired a few more rounds toward the sporadic angel. 


"Who the hell else is coming to save your ass, mi amor?" Carmilla asked. A small smirk crossed her face as a kiss pecked my cheek. "You do not need to do this alone." 

"But the girls are-." 

"OUR girls are fine. They have the cats looking after them." I mirrored her grin before our attention turned toward the ex in the sky. "Now, we should finish this quickly. I was really looking forward to tea in the den." 

"Oh, how cute," Scarlet exclaimed sourly. "You found another fallen angel to date after me?" My brow raised. Fallen angel? Carmilla held the gun up without a hint of remorse. 

"Fallen angel?" I questioned. 

"Of course! Everyone knows of Carmilla Carmine. The angel that jumped." My eyes scanned Carmilla. Her face gave away nothing. 

"We talk about it later," the ballerina grumbled to me. 

"Later," I agreed. "But just know, that doesn't matter to me. I love you for you. Angel or not." A ghost of a smile crossed her face before it settled back to indifference. 

"A fucking angel? That fossil is about as much of an angel as I am a fucking circus clown!" The voice was undeniable alongside Carmilla's obvious distaste. I glanced back and saw Velvet with a large mallet with a heart on it. Rosie was at her side, a large bloody grin across her face. "She's been here since the dawn of fucking time. I guess anything is possible." 

"Velvet, how nice of you to join us," Carmilla muttered angrily. 

"What are you two doing here?" I asked. 

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