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Angel's POV 

* Warning, violence, and force are used in his passage. *

"Val, please! I didn't mean to-," A bitch slap stopped me right in my tracks. 

"Just because you're staying with that over-glorified bitch of a Princessa, does not get you out of your job! When I say bend over, you ask over what? Not bring a royal whore to defend you!" Valentino hissed as he punched me in the stomach. I fell to my knees and gagged. My whole body shook as his red smoke clouded around me. Cuffs formed around my neck and wrists. I was pulled down. His foot rested against the side of my head. A satisfied hum escaped him. "Hmmm, maybe I'll have you start from this position next time. Maybe getting rammed while you beg for your life! That's a kink I can really get behind." 

"Val, please stop," I begged meekly. He dragged me up by the chain around my neck and held me close to him. His hand slowly caressed the bruise that was welted on my cheek. A charming smile grew across his face. 

"Oh, Angel, baby. I know you never meant any harm, but I gotta show you that you can't have everything you want." His touch was featherlike until he squeezed his grip around my chin. "Take the next few days to recover babydoll. You're no use to me with that shiner. And when you come back, I promise I'll treat you better if you promise to behave for me." The smoke that exhaled from his face smelled sweet. It forced its way into my nose and my body relaxed. My head swam from a different kind of high. I was mellow, and the only thing I thought about was pleasing Valentino. My body shivered as I grew hot with want. 

"I-I promise," I conceded quietly. 

"Good boy," he praised. My lips smashed against his as he pulled me in. His hands fell down to my waist and grabbed my ass roughly. "When you come back, come see me first. I have been dying for a taste of you." His tongue probed in and out of my mouth and his hard on grew against my waist. I gulped internally. The last thing I needed was to fuck him but my body craved him too much to deny him anything right now. When he pushed me away, my body begged for more. The cuffs dissipated around me, and I was left cold and alone. 

My head cleared up slightly as I walked out onto the streets. People cat called me as I walked by them, but I didn't care. All I wanted was a strong fucking drink and to see Husk. The more I was around that stupid bartender, the more I wanted him in my bed. The weird part was that I didn't need to be high to want him. It scared me. 

I took a detour through the park and saw the library that people stood around. My curiosity piqued as I stared at the overgrown treehouse. I was reminded of that overlord that stopped by a few weeks ago. Husker seemed to like her, and she was nice. At least nice to meet. My hand fell to my pocket and pulled out her business card. I had yet to get rid of it. Every time I saw it now, I just kept thinking about one thing. 

Could she really help me? 

Astra's POV 

I sat in the library with little else to occupy myself with. I had a kettle brewing with a delicious afternoon brew and Carmilla was off searching for something to read. I tapped my fingers off the oak and stared off into space. I had to think of different ways to get to Valentino if Angel didn't pan out. Velvet was a different angle I could use, but I doubt she trusted me. Rosie seemed to though, but was that enough? There was also the direct approach. I had not taken a life by force in decades. It was too cruel in my opinion, granted sometimes necessary. I hated how messy it could get as well. 

"Uh, hey," a broken voice spoke up. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at a beautiful spider demon that had obviously been in a fight. Bruises littered his face and he looked worse for wear. A small frown cracked across my face. 

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