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I walked aimlessly around the pentagram for hours. Carmilla's little nickname set my chest ablaze. I wanted nothing more than to find her and beg her to talk to me. Sadly, I barely knew her part of the pentagram. She always promised to show me but that had not happened yet. My cheeks burned red at the thought of her actually...well...maybe I should not get my hopes too high. 

"Astra? Oh, my stars! It is you!" The sound of my name took me by surprise. I glanced up and noticed Rosie surrounded by her cannibals. She gingerly pushed them out of the way and ran over to me. Rosie swooped me into a sideways hug. She flashed me her sharp teeth as she smiled. Her arm hooked in mine as I was whisked away with her. "Tell me, darling, what has you coming over to my side of the pentagram?" 

"Oh, I was just taking a stroll," I lied. "How is your day going?" 

"Just the same as any other day, I guess," Rosie sighed. Her smile faltered slightly as she aimed for her emporium. I glanced at the store window and recognized a familiar overlord. 

"Velvet is here?" I watched her laugh at a few of the patrons as she popped up different outfits for each person. 

"Oh, yeah! My people love her fashion style! She's rather popular over here." The way Rosie's voice dropped worried me. I glanced over her slight frown and sagged shoulders as she stared at the fashion nova. If I had to place my bets, it looked like she longed for the red head. 

"Do you two get along?" I inquired. She shrugged. 

"Well, enough, I guess. I don't know where I stand with her most times." 

"Interesting," I hummed. We walked into the emporium arm in arm. Once the bell jingled, Velvet's attention turned over to us. Her eyes narrowed at our conjoined position. A small smirk cracked on my lips. Well, this just got entertaining. My face blown out into a full-grown grin as we approached her. 

"Rosie, why the hell are you back so soon? Did some lowlife piece of shit stop you from your walk around town?" Concern grew on Velvet's face as I stepped away from her and glanced over the dress a model wore. 

"Love the outfit," I complimented. 

"Of course, you do. I'm the one that designed it." Velvet rolled her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. However, the smile she gave was genuinely prideful. "What are you doing over here?" 

"I could ask you the same thing," I countered. 

"I am going to grab us all some tea!" Rosie interjected. "Velvet, you should take a break with us! Astra, here, was just walking around the pentagram and decided to pop in for a visit." Rosie's hospitable charm mirrored on her face. She ran toward a different part of the emporium. 

Once we were alone, I was unceremoniously shoved into a nearby wall. 

"I had Vox pull up some files on you. You're almost as old as that old fucking bat Zestial." Velvet sneered with venom in her voice.  "And the little we did find in newspaper articles dating back fucking centuries ago, you were a literal menace to the public. I could give two shits less about your fucking library. But if you do a damn thing to Rosie, I will-." 

"Calm down," I interrupted her. She snarled as I gently pushed her away from me. "I am not like I used to be in the slightest.  And besides, I was not summoned to get rid of Rosie." Velvet's eyes  widened. 

"But you were sent to get rid of one of us," Velvet hissed. 

"Which is none of your damn concern," I growled. Velvet stepped back as my demeanor fell flat. "You are not my target, so back the fuck off. Besides, why would you care for Rosie anyways. As far as I understand it, you are part of that maliciously stupid tag team. The Vee's or whatever." 

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