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Scarlet's POV 

I waited alongside other exorcists. I watched Lute speak to Adam and laugh together. I envied her relationship with Adam. That blatant happiness that blinded everyone in a mile radius. I growled to myself. I may have hated Astra, but she did make me laugh. She even made me feel special by how she looked at me. I winced at thoughts of when I scolded her for her stupid ideas. 

"Adam, a word," Sera's voice rang from above. I glanced up at the seraphim. Her usual grimace turned into a scowl as it fell on Earth's first man. My brow rose. This looked far more interesting to watch. Adam stepped away from Lute and walked over to the angel. His mask's smile was worried if not completely fearful. I did my best to look unintrigued as I stepped closer to the two. They ignored me as I walked into the hearing distance. 

"That stupid stunt you pulled at the trial has caused nothing but nightmares for me!" Sera hissed. "Emily has not stopped questioning everything and I am starting to worry about her." 

"What do you gotta worried about? She's the most loved angel in heaven." Adam waved Sera off. 

"If she speaks up on this topic too much, she may be forced out of heaven. A reality I cannot have happen." 

"Yeah, yeah. She's like your daughter or whatever. She's gonna be fine." 

"You don't know that, and I can no longer guarantee it," Sera growled. "And if anything happens to Emily, I will gladly put it on your head and send you down there with her. Permanently." Sera forced her face into Adam's. He gulped as he tried to fake a smile. My eyes widened significantly as an ethereal being appeared behind her. Most of the exorcists cowered away. I took a gracious step back. Apparently, Sera was too focused to notice the impending presence. "You need to go down there and get rid of the rest of those foul, worthless beings that plague hell's surface. Get rid of the rest of potential for war and-." 

"I think I have heard enough, and I have yet to even ask a question." God's voice rang through our very souls. We all fell to our knees. Sera stood shocked as she turned toward him. His many eyes focused solely on her as they narrowed. 

"M-My lord," Sera stuttered out. Fear turned her wan. 

"So, what I heard was true. This day is meant to shed the blood of souls." 

"It was the agreement that was arranged," Sera admitted feebly. "Lucifer and Lilith agreed to this." 

"This is not my will!" God shouted out. His menacing tone shook the heavens. "Those are not just souls. They are all my children. Whether in heaven or hell, they were all promised eternal life!" Sera shook from her lower stature. Adam meekly walked up beside her. 

"Father, w-w-we were just-." 

"You were forgiven for your sins, were you not? For eating the fruit of Lucifer? What makes you more than the souls from below? Should you not love them as much as I do? They are your kin as much as they are my children." Adam words died in his throat. My eyes widened as Sera knelt before him. 

"My lord, forgive me," Sera begged. 

"You will pay for your sins like the sinners before you. You will lead the march on hell's land. I want to see the pain and chaos you have been causing them. I want to see you justify your reasons for thinking of killing eternal souls. Damned or not." I fell silent. I needed to kill Astra while I had a chance. While he was distracted. I needed to do this. She needed to die. My eyes turned back to God and noticed one of his eyes were concentrated on me. I gulped. 

This was going to be hard. 

Author's Note: 

Hey, I know this is a super short chapter. I have been working a lot and finishing a lot of newer wlw romance novels that will hopefully be up for editing soon. I will definitely be finishing this story soon! Probably within the next month this story should be finished! Thank you all so much for enjoying the story! I love reading the comments, they are so entertaining! 

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