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I hummed an old tune as I made myself some tea for the night. I was certain I could fall asleep tonight between that and a good book. Too many thoughts of Carmilla started taking up my mind. I needed a distraction. A loud knock jolted me upright as the kettle slowly came to a boil. Barely anyone knew about the backdoor that led into my actual home. I rushed toward the door, ready to take out a threat in quick succession. I glanced through the peephole and my eyes barely believed what I saw. My brow furrowed as I unlocked the door. All three of the Carmine women stood there with overnight bags. The daughters were smiling but the matriarch seemed indifferent. 

"Hello? What are you three doing here this late at night?" My confusion was evident in my tone. I stepped aside and allowed the three into my kitchen. 

"We are having problems sleeping at home," Clara explained as she glanced over my kitchen. "Are you making tea?" 

"I...am," I answered, still bewildered by the sight before me. "Would you like some?" 

"If it is not a bother," Odette answered. I slowly nodded, ready to go with the flow instead of against it. I had no problem with any of them in my home, as odd as it felt to have company. I glanced again at the overnight bags on their shoulders. They seemed filled to the brim as if to stay more than one night. I shrugged to myself as I closed the door. 

"Guest rooms are on the second floor. First two on the left." Odette and Clara were gone in a flash. They were so ready to explore the new domain. I looked back at the mother of the group. She seemed the least comfortable as she aimed for my kitchen table. 

"I am so sorry about this," Carmilla started with a sigh. "They do not feel safe at home yet, and they refused to stay at Zestial's another night. Hell only knows why." Her bag fell to the floor with a loud thud. "If you really are uncomfortable, please let me know now." 

"I do not mind," I countered. "Granted the guest rooms might be a bit dusty." 

"They will live," she laughed softly. 

"Would you like some tea? You look perplexed." 

"I hate to intrude," she agreed. "Yes, please. I would love some tea." The kettle shrieked on cue. A small smile graced my lips as I aimed for the cups. My heart thrummed at the idea of them all spending the night. This place was huge, and it did make me feel lonely on occasion.  I poured the steaming water into two cups and motioned to a well-stocked tea cabinet. 

"Take your pick." 

"Anything smooth and dark," she replied quietly. When I turned back to her, I noticed a certain sparkle in her eye. My cheeks flushed as I turned back around. My heart wanted to scream through my ears at how right this felt. I picked a random black tea for the two of us and steeped it. When I turned back around, Carmilla cheeks burned as she looked away. I placed the cup in front of her. 

"Are you okay?" I inquired as I slid into a seat in front of her. 

"Yes, just...saddened that my girls do not feel safe at home," she admitted through gritted teeth. As an arms dealer, that had to be hard to know. For a woman that sells weapons, how was there not one safe enough for your own home? 

"Well, you all can stay here for as long as you need. I promise you that I will do my best to keep you three safe." My comment brought the sliver of a smile. My attention turned to the two girls that had yet to return. "I guess they are too infatuated with their rooms. We should go see what they are up to." Carmilla and I grabbed our cups and headed upstairs. I shouldered her bag for her. Carmilla took note of the place as I guided her to the second-floor bedrooms. I was right apparently about their infatuation. They were making themselves right at home by setting up a fire in the fireplace and snoring softly on the beds. 

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