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I stretched like a satisfied feline as I woke up. My attention turned to the sleeping beauty beside me. She looked so gorgeous against Hell's morning light. I slowly curled a strand behind her ear. Her brows furrowed as she grumbled for five more minutes and turned away from me. I chuckled as I hopped out of bed and opted for a shower. Memories of last night made my body crave for more, but that would have to wait. I still had no idea what Carmilla's limitations were, and it would be rude to push them before understanding her body better. 

Fantasies washed down the drain along with the water.  After I toweled myself and dressed in something comfortable, my next goal was to feed the two mongrels that stood silently at my door. The two were insatiable when it came to their morning kibble before their hunt. They guided me down the stairs and toward the pantry that held their food. After they were fed, I started the spare coffee pot I owned and aimed for breakfast. As scents permeated through the house, I heard the patter of footsteps and the shower running. I took my time as I flipped over the bacon and started on some batter. It was funny to hear someone else raid through my drawers after the shower stopped. It reminded me of a time so long ago. One that I almost forgot existed.  I never thought there would be another in my life after Scarlet. And now someone else was searching through my clothes for something to wear. 

The very thought of Scarlet tugged a frown on my face. Her death was my fault. I was so busy fighting off Angels from the library that I had no idea she was out. Being too late for when that holy light disintegrated her was devastating. But I knew she was in a better place. I gave up a quarter of my soul just to ensure where she ended up. But the very idea of her being gone still left a chasm in my heart. I gulped back the pain that threatened to escape my throat. There were so many wonderful memories with the woman, wasn't there? Why was it that I only remember what I regretted instead of what I loved about her? 

A pair of arms dragged me out of my thoughts as they wrapped around my waist. A hum of delight escaped the person behind me as I felt her body lay against my back. "You're such an early bird," Carmilla giggled as she cuddled in. 

"Guilty as charged," I chuckled. "I'm making breakfast. Coffee just finished if you would like to get us a cup?" All I saw was her glowing smile when I glanced back at her. She truly was gorgeous with a messy morning bun. She pecked my cheek and aimed to find cups while I poured the batter. "Any plans for today?" 

"None that come to mind. I'm sure the girls will be by at some point to ask about how our date went. I cleared my schedule for today so that I could be around in case you needed anything. I know I was still teaching you about technological advances. Besides, your shipment of computers is due to arrive soon." I hummed in agreement. "When we are done with that though, I have some more personal business that you should attend to." She growled in my ear before she left a small peck on my cheek. A goofy grin crossed my face. Not even a few seconds later, a loud bang took our attention. 

"It's open," I called out. Two overly excited daughters crammed through the door and directly over to us. My eyes flickered to the batter behind me. I did not make enough. 

"Mama! How was the date?" 

"Mom, you have to tell us everything!" Their questions took the two of us by surprise. Carmilla corralled the two around the table as I slabbed more bacon onto the pan. I was working on measurements to the batter as the most outlandish questions came from their lips. 

"Did you guys have a goodtime?" 
"Is she good in bed?" 
"Did you guys actually do the deed, or did you guys just sleep?" 
"Is she going to be our stepmother?" 
"I say we call her mama, Odette. Don't you agree?" 
"I agree a lot. It fits her perfectly!" 

"Girls!" Carmilla's tone left them both dead in silence. Blush colored my cheeks in embarrassment. "These are not questions you should be asking me! First of all, what we did last night is our business only, and the mother comment...that's up to Astra." I froze in my position of dropping the batter onto the griddle. I turned back to a flushed Carmilla. Two eager eyes added to the tension that constricted my chest. 

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