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"Get those boards over the windows!  The last I need is an angel crashing through the glass," Carmilla barked as she commanded her minions to barricade my library. I stood along the sidelines. I saw little use for this, but who was I to judge how Carmilla chose to protect me? It was endearing to watch. The twin peaks of her hair shined from the lights as she stalked around the workers. It was like a prey ready to attack at any given second. 

"Carmilla, darling, you should take a break," I offered as I motioned to the tea I had made. 

"No time," she muttered bitterly. "The extermination is only a few hours away and I need to make sure the finishing touches are perfect for protecting you and my daughters." Her fingers softly pinched my cheeks before she pressed a kiss on my lips. "I want to make sure that you all survive this year, querida. You three mean too much to me to lose by an angel's weapon." 

"I can assure you that will not happen," I argued softly. "But if it helps you sleep at night, have at it. Just be sure to rest after. You have been working on this for two whole days!" I saw the bags under Carmilla's dark eyes. Her crimson hue dimmed slightly due to the exhaustion. I placed a small peck on her forehead. "Hurry up," I muttered against her skin. "I miss you." Carmilla said nothing, instead, she chose to head back to work. I watched idly from the sidelines. I grunted into my own cup of tea as I watched her work. 

"Don't worry, she gets like this every year," Clara chuckled as she sat down beside me. "Just let her go. It goes away once the extermination actually starts. She will watch from one of the higher windows to make sure nothing gets too close." 

"You are being a big enough help by making sure she doesn't drop dead from lack of food or water," Odette added. I huffed my annoyance and they giggled. 

"This whole arrangement is such a mess," I hissed. "To think, this is the arrangement that they could agree on. Slaying misguided souls that happened to land down here just to avoid God's rage." I rolled my eyes. "I wish someone would listen to Charlie's ideals on redemption. The fact she went to Sera made her ideas dead on arrival. Sera was never the type to go against the way tradition runs. Barely any of them can think for themselves without blindly following a testament that has been changed and doctored over the centuries." 

"It's not like there isn't much we can do," Clara admitted with a sigh. "Who would listen?" 

An idea came to mind. A stupid idea, but one that just might work. 

"I might know someone," I suggested as I stood. "Make sure your mother stays busy. I'll be back." 

"Where are you going?" Odette questioned. I refused to look at her, mainly because she may figure it out by the look in my eye. 

"For a walk," I exclaimed. "A very long walk. I'll be back before the extermination starts." With that said, I waved my hand and walked through the portal. 


I witnessed as Stolas relaxed back in his chair with a book in hand. Blitzo was thoroughly fucked on a bed nearby. Stolas regarded me with a raised brow as he set his book aside. 

"You know, being this close to extermination, I wouldn't think you would be galivanting around the pentagram," he mentioned with amusement. "Did you take care of the little problem I asked you to?" 

"Not completely. Valentino is incapacitated, but not dead yet." 

"Why not kill him and get it over with?" 

"Because I have other problems that people have been coming to me with. This was to bide me time. Besides, it is fun to watch the moth squirm." A satisfied glint took hold in Stolas's eyes. "Anyways, I am here for a different matter that only you can provide a solution for." 

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