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Author's Note: Alright, y'all are either gonna love this or hate this. I am using a bit of creative liberty here. I am going to use the song 'More than Anything' that Charlie and Lucifer sing and put it into a different context here with different characters. There are slight variations to the lyrics to pay attention to. I hope you all enjoy it! 

Carmilla's POV


The word sounded like a bullet around the world. I held Astra's lifeless body in my arms with tears stung my eyes. The whole world seemed to pause as her chest stopped moving. No...no, no, no. Astra...ASTRA! I held the woman closer to me. 

"Don't die you idiota!" I sobbed. Velvet and Rosie walked up behind me. Velvet knelt beside me while Rosie placed a soothing hand on my back. I was so happy I tore that angel to shreds. I was so fucking happy that she bled out somewhere nearby. A large, white-clothed figure stood right before the three of us. I looked up at the many eyes that stared back at us. A clear frown crossed his face. He opened his palms to me as he knelt in front of me. 

"Please, let me see her." My body moved on its own. I slowly handed Astra's corpse over to him. Her usual light blue skin was a pale, dull grey. Her messy bun was broken, and her dark locks fell to the grass. That gorgeous smile I fell in love with was a peaceful smirk across her face. Her eyes that shone with such life were soulless orbs that stared out into the abyss. "Oh, poor Emilia. This was never the fate you were supposed to have." The two of us turned our attention toward an opened portal. The demon known as Stolas ran through it. Worry twisted his owl-like face as his eyes fell on Astra. 

"W-What happened?" Stolas questioned. His eyes turned toward the person that held her. "Oh...your holiness." He instantly fell to a knee. 

"You know of her?" He asked in turn. 

"She was my...friend." Stolas murmured. "Please, be gentle with her." 

"Her contract, Stolas. Hand it over." The Goetia did it with no hesitation. The man held her contract with interest. A part of it was torn off. Tears welled up in my eyes as the contract slowly dissipated in his grip. Her soul...it really was dead. If a contract dissipated, it meant that the soul's original owner could no longer keep their end of the deal. 

"I see she was very loved," the man continued. "Emilia, I hope you can forgive me." 

"Her name is Astra," I hissed. One of the man's many eyes turned to me. It glittered with interest that made me uncomfortable. 

"Emilia was her Earthly name," he replied. 

"But Astra was the name she chose to go by down here. You should respect that." I had no idea who this being was, but I refused for her to be called by any other name. Earthly or not. Slowly, he nodded. 

"I need you to wake up, Astra." His reply was met with the unspoken words of a corpse. He blew a gust of golden air from his lips. It crept inside Astra's body. "Wake up, dear child. Your soul is eternal, no matter who tries otherwise."  I noticed one of his eyes turn up toward what looked like a chastised angel. I witnessed the wounds all over her body start to heal as her chest slowly rose and fell again. Blood coughed out of her as she shot up immediately. The woman I love gasped in air like she had never tasted it before. Dark eyes brimmed with tears as she fell out of the man's arms. She stayed on all fours as she hurled up the extra blood that burned her throat. 

Elation filled my face as I tackled down the woman I love. "Astra! Astra! Mi amor, you're okay!" 


Astra's POV

Fresh air in my lungs was short lived as the woman of my dreams toppled over me. She held me in a deathlike grip. Tears fell from the both of us as we held onto each other and peppered each other's faces with kisses. When Carmilla was satisfied, she sat me up and kept me within her arms. My eyes turned over to the man that knelt by us. I could not believe who sat in front of us. 

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