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The hotel was charming in its own rundown kind of way. My skimmed over my counterpart. She seemed about as interested in the building as I was. With a low growl, Carmilla aimed for the steps. My eyes fell down to the perfectly formed ass that walked up the steps. I growled at myself for such a perverse action. The last thing she probably wanted was me ogling her. I followed her into the hotel. A few people stood around the main waiting area. 

A large, spider-like man sat at a bar. He had a rather feminine appearance. Nice white coat with tiny black shorts and matching boots. He chuckled at something a gambling-themed winged cat said. The two glanced our way. The cat's eyes widened significantly. Realization dawned on me. 

"Husker?" His jaw slacked as he walked around the bar. 

"This cannot be," Husker's low voice rumbled. The two of us stared at each other for a long moment. "Everyone said you were dead," he continued. 

"I heard you fell from power, but the last place I thought you would be was a barkeep," I admitted with a grin. "It suits you, though." Husker stood in shock. I, on the other hand, opened my arms to him. "Well, what the hell are you waiting for? Do you expect me to come over there for a hug or can you meet me halfway?" That was all the encouragement Husker needed. We met halfway. He gave me the quickest hug alive, as was customary of us. He was never the affectionate type but indulged me from time to time. 

"You still gambling?" Husker asked. 

"Have yet to go! We should go sometime soon!" 

"Hey Husk? Who's the sexy librarian?" My attention turned to the high-pitched male voice. My brow rose. Did he purposefully choose to be feminine or was he naturally like this?  

"Well, I am a librarian," I commented as I walked over to the new man. "My name is Astra." He refused the hand I held out for him. 

"Sorry, I charge extra for women," he muttered. 

"Good thing I am not looking," I chimed in. A sharp grin crossed the spider's face. 

"Oh, I like you," the spider commented. "You may know me from my sex tapes. I am Angel Dust, a very famous porn star!" He fluffed up his chest hair as if they were breasts. My brow twitched upward. The porn industry, hm? He might get me to Valentino. 

"I used to pole dance for fun back in the day, but it has been literal decades," I chuckled as I took a seat. "Can I get a drink, Husker?" 

"Sure." The bartender was more than willing as he whipped up some bottles. Carmilla walked up beside me. Her interest obviously piqued. 

"You pole dance?" She inquired. 

"Would you like a private show?" Her eyes widened at the idea. Angel's laughter filled our ears as I was handed a drink. 

"Oh yeah, definitely like you," he giggled. "We really need to-." Angel's ringtone took his attention. "Excuse me one second." He shrugged away from the barstool and murmured into the little metal box he carried. Husker shook his head as I sipped my drink. It was smoky and fruity, similar to Husker. 

"Valentino," Husker grumbled. "Always using him just like a toy. It is annoying to see." Do I note hints of jealousy in Husker's voice. A devious grin pulled at my lips as Carmilla sat beside me. 

"Who?" I feigned ignorance. I had read up on the overlord. Stolas wanted me to make him suffer and he was into some sick fantasies that I wanted to exploit. 

"He is the overlord of the porn industry," Husker acknowledged me. He took a sip from the bottle of whiskey in his hand. "And a rather abusive fucker as well. Angel is his favorite toy, and Valentino makes sure that he can't make it more than a few feet without knowing it." The clear dislike growled out of Husker. I knew his little tells back from our gambling days. He was concerned, that was obvious. But he was also a lovesick kitten from what I saw. 

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