Tornado Takeover S1E11

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Rikki and I find our way to the girls bathroom it's completely empty. I grab Rikkis hand and hold it tightly as I pull her into the handicapped bathroom stall.

Emma-"I could tutor you at my place if you want?"

Rikki-" Tonight?" She says as she pushes me into the wall. Her hands are on the wall and inches away from her lips.

Rikki-" Is everything okay?"

Emma- " I would tell you if I was uncomfortable I'm ok I promise"

Emma- " I would tell you if I was uncomfortable I'm ok I promise"

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We start to kiss more and more intensely. *beep beep* "

Rikki-"it's a text from Cleo. It says the school is on lockdown it's a tornado warning"

Emma-" That means rain and rain mean wet and wet mean water and water means tail. This isn't happening this isn't happening!"

I'm pacing around the bathroom now like a crazy person.

Rikki-" What if we tried stopping it somehow?"

Emma- " we're not Mother Nature"


Rikki-" Well it's the best we can do"

Emma-" Rikki we have barely figured out our powers"

Rikki- " We have to learn somehow better now then never" I say as I grab Emma's hand.

Rikki-"come on let's go get Cleo" 

Emma-"What about Lewis?"

Rikki-" what about him? Joking only joking."


Cleo-" I texted them, they are on the way now"

When I look up at the pipes, they're moving the pipes start leaking. Then the water pours out everywhere all over me as it sprinkles and hits my skin my tail appears.

Lewis- "Cleo.. you have a t..ail-"

Lewis looks concerned and startled. He almost looks afraid of me. One moment I was just a girl the next I'm a big scaly mermaid.

Cleo-" Lewis it's ok i'm not gonna hurt you can you please just look for towels or some thing"

The closet door burst open and for a moment I was scared until I see Rikki's and Emma's faces.

Cleo-" guys we have a bit of a problem"

Lewis- " We? As in Rikki and Emma already know? We as in what Cleo?"

Rikki-" Lewis you have to help Cleo out of there. We can't go in or we're going to get wet"

Lewis-"You guys are mermaids too?"

Emma-" Yes, Lewis you have to hurry though, it's a closet I'm sure there's plenty of cloths somewhere in here it is a supply closet"

Lewis- " found them"

Lewis starts drying off my tail and before you know it, we're out of the closet everyone's in their classrooms not a soul in sight. We reach the front of the building and we see the tornado coming towards our school.

Rikki Emma and I look at each other and countdown to three. The three of us use our powers to stop the tornado, but it's inching closer and closer to our school.

In the last moments fearful of our lives. We managed to stop the tornado and it's sunny again like nothing ever happened and over the intercom a lady says

" It's safe to leave the school now you all are safe the storm has passed"

Lewis looks at me and Emma  and Rikki i've never seen that expression on his face before he looks concerned, but a part of him looks relieved.

He knows our secret now he knows that we are mermaids.

He knows our secret now he knows that we are mermaids

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