Lewis is a Swiftie confirmed! S2E3

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Emma-" Do you think he knows?"

Rikki-" About?"

Emma-" Me and you"

Rikki-" Maybe I'm not sure, I didn't say anything to him"

Emma-" okay"

The street lights are starting to turn on because it's getting dark out.

We're walking on the same pathway. The one we first met at. When me and Cleo were riding in the boat and Emma was on the pathway.

Rikki- "This this the walk that we had our first kiss at" I look up "under this bridge" the word bridge echoes underneath the tunnel.

Emma smiles at me. The type of smile she makes when I'm doing something funny or something flirty in public. I wonder if she picks up on the things she does.

I wonder if anyone else picks up on small details like this or maybe it's like our little thing. Either way. Emma's smile lights up a room.

Emma-" It's getting late we really shouldn't be out here Rikki"

Rikki-" I think you're right-"

I say that's when I hear it thunder. I give a quick look at Emma and then roll my eyes.

Emma-"Quick Lewis house isn't far from here we need to run now!"

Rikki-" How am I met to know we're his house is at I've never been there."

Emma-" Rikki just follow me." Emma says as she's pulling my arm and then puts her hand in mine.

The both of us are sprinting now the adrenaline rush kicks in for the both of us when we hear the thunder again. We're running faster now.

Emma-" His house is that one" she points to the one that's at the end of the block to the right. "

Emma- "His room is in the shed in the backyard"

Rikki- " Okay"

We reach his door and he opens it. His eyes are squinted. As he says in a sleepy confused voice.

Lewis-" Hello?"

Lewis says he's half asleep he takes a quick glance at the two of us. The a glance back at his watch.

Lewis-" you do know it's midnight right and if I don't get more then 8 hours of sle-"

I cut Lewis off

Rikki-" that's a great story Lewis now let us in" I say in the most sarcastic voice.

Lewis takes a step back and moves his arms into a come inside jester. His room has a navy green color. He has posters of I don't even know what some scientist stuff maybe?

Next to his bed he has a bed stand he has a word ball on it and a half drank cup of water, his bedsheets have little toy cars on them. I laugh.

Rikki-" Nice sheets, you don't strike me as a car guy though"

Lewis-" my nan made that for me.. so why are you guys here at two in the morning, and where's Cleo you 3 are inseparable?"

Emma-" We went on a late night walk and she's not here because she's.. just not here."

Emma's a terrible liar, I guess it wasn't really a lie though.

Rikki-" Look Lewis we need to crash here until morning it's about to rain and we don't know how long for" I say as I fall onto his beanbag.

Lewis-" fine but you two need to sneak out the back window in the morning so my mom or dad or any of my brothers don't see you

I can't have girls over at my house unless I tell my parents, like what am I supposed to even tell them "mom dad my 2 mermaid friends need to stay the night so the don't grow tails because of the rain."


Emma-" you're not funny Lewis"

Lewis-" it was just a joke" I take a glance over the corner of my eye I see a music cd sitting on the ground next to a speaker " Taylor Swift? You listen to her too"

Emma-"Let's sing and dance it'll be fun" I say reaching down to pull Rikki up bean bag"

Rikki" Oh naorrr"

Emma- " Come on it'll be fun"

Rikki- " fine"

Lewis- " one two three" Lewis says all giddy and excited. He clicks the play button it shuffles through all the songs then it plays

[Our Song by Taylor Swift 🎵]

The 3 of us are singing together

"I was just thinkin' how we don't have a song" I look at Rikki and smile. We both knew immediately that this was going to be our song.

Lewis doesn't notice because he's to busy jumping up and down.

Truly an amazing night although a few months later, I would learn Rikki doesn't sound the greatest doing soul singing. But hey Lewis is your hype man if you ever need one.

Emma and Rikki-" Bye Lewis" both of us say the next morning as we left.

None of us got sleep Rikki and I left early in the morning while it was still dark out so my mom wouldn't know I was gone.

Rikki and I snuck in from my backyard. We lay down and talked on my boating dock for about an hour as the sun began to rise. Rikki took my hand and helped me up.

Rikki-" Thanks for last night it was fun. So what..exactly are we." Rikki says

Emma-" I like the word girlfriend"

I say with a smile hoping she agrees.

Rikki-" I like that"

Rikki says and pulls me in closer the grabs my waist then puts her hands over my shoulders just like the 1st time we kissed. She smiles and then she kisses me.

 She smiles and then she kisses me

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