Chapter Six

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7:00AM in the morning, Sunoo wake up early and saw Riki peacefully sleeping. He wake him up and Riki woke up.

"What does my Sunoo want?" Riki said sweetly.

"Hmm~~ time to go to work." Sunoo spoke and suddenly shocked when Riki suddenly hugged him.

"Can't we just stay like this  a little more." Riki whispered while hugging Sunoo.

"But Sempai, you're gonna be late." Sunoo said while trying to get off from Riki's grip.

"I love it when you call me Sempai." Riki said while still hugging Sunoo like a Teddy bear.

Suddenly, Sunoo's alarm on his phone alarmed.

*ay-yay-ay, I'm your little butterfly
Green, black and blue made a colors in the sky~

"Look my alarm just alarmed and please wake up!" Sunoo said in Japanese.

"Fine! I'll wake up, where's my kiss?" Riki asked and pouted.

"Kiss my a$$" Sunoo said ran quickly to the CR. it looks like Riki is so done to his Sunoo's behaviour.

After some time, Riki get ready himself same as Sunoo, they went to downstairs together.

"Where the hell are you going?" Riki asked while looking at Sunoo up-and-down.

"I'll come with you in your company." Sunoo said and smiled.

"Alright." Riki said.

After they eat breakfast, Sunoo, Jay and Riki went to the Nishimura Company and once they got there. Riki hold Sunoo's hand so he wouldn't escape anymore.

"Good morning, Sirs." All of the employees bowed at them and Sunoo noticed that some of Riki's employees rolled their eyes on him.

"What did I do wrong?" Sunoo asked on his mind.

"Bro, you have a meeting with Ms. Choi Kazuha now." Jay said and Riki still hold Sunoo's hand and now they're running leaving Jay shocked of what's going on.

Riki and Sunoo arrived in the meeting room and Riki's face are now in Cold Expression and Sunoo noticed it and getting thrilled.

Sunoo never saw Riki with an Cold Expression before because Riki is always sweet and childish to him and now he's seeing Riki's other side.

"Good morning, Sir Riki and Sir." All the employees stood up and greeted their boss. Riki just nodded as response.

"He's Kim Sunoo, my boyfriend." Riki introduced Sunoo infront of his employees in a cold way. Some of his employees couldn't believe that their boss is gay, and some of his employees thinks that Sunoo flirted with them.

"Shall we start our meeting?" Ms. Choi kazuha asked and Riki nodded. The CFO Started to speak with the blah, blah, blah and so on. Hehehe moving on!

After the meeting, Sunoo and Riki went to Riki's office and Sunoo was just sitting on a couch next to Riki's table where Riki works.

After 1 hour, Sunoo went outside for a minute to find a CR 'cause he really needs to use the CR right now. He leaves without Riki noticing, he asked many employees and they teach him where is the Comfort room.

Sunoo went inside and use the CR. On the other hand, Riki was peacefully working on his office. He noticed that time it's 12:00PM.

"Baby, where do you wanna eat?" He asked Sunoo without looking but he didn't hear a single response from Sunoo. He look at the couch and saw Sunoo wasn't there anymore.

He hurriedly leave and asked many of his employees that they might have seen a young boy who look a little older than me, he have a chubby cheeks when he smiled, with bangs and wears a white polo, black suits, black shoes and black pants.

Good thing that one of his employees said that he goes to the Comfort Room, he went to the comfort room and saw Sunoo fighting a girl. Not just any girl but one of his  employees.

"You must be the one who flirted Sir Riki." The girl spoke in Japanese. Sunoo just stayed quiet 'cause he didn't understand the girl.

"You know that Sir Riki didn't like when someone flirted with him, he immediately k*ll the person who tries to flirt to him." The girl said in Japanese again and pulled Sunoo's hair making Sunoo scream in pain. Riki immediately went inside with the gun in his hand.

"Let go of Sunoo if you don't, I'll k*ll you." Riki said in Japanese while pointing the gun to the girl.

"Sunoo? Is that even a name?" The girl spoke in Japanese and laugh meanwhile Sunoo didn't know what's going on.

"Let go of me!!" Sunoo spoke in Korean making the girl shocked.

"What?! I can't understand you." The girl spoke in Japanese.

"Me either, you probably think that I'm a American but no! I'm full Korean." Sunoo spoke in Korean making the girl confuse.

"You better leave us or I will make your existence regret on this earth." Riki said coldly while still pointing the gun to the girl. The girl leave frustrated and angry.

"I'll Comeback, we're not done yet." The girl said in Japanese to Sunoo and leave.

"Try to hurt Sunoo and my hands and guns are ready to k*ll you." Riki said on his mind. He went closer to Sunoo to check if he's okay.

"Baby, are you okay?" Riki asked worriedly to Sunoo, Sunoo just flashed a smile and Riki help Sunoo to stood up.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Sunoo answered. Even tho, Sunoo is not really okay. He still made a smile on Riki.

End of Chapter Six

Hey I hope You like it.
Ignore the wrong spelling and wrong grammar 😊 thx.

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