Chapter Nine

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Thursday morning, Riki prepared breakfast for him and Sunoo after he made a breakfast, he went upstairs to wake up Sunoo.

"Good morning baby, time to wake up." Riki wake sunoo up by shaking him lightly and Sunoo hummed.

"Good morning, Sempai." Sunoo greeted back and smiled, he get up from the bed and there was a breakfast table on his tights.

"Eat breakfast first and after that, do your morning routine and meet me downstairs when you're done. I have something to tell you downstairs." Riki said sweetly and smiled at him. Sunoo smiled back and Riki kissed Sunoo and leave.

Sunoo did his morning routine and change clothes to comfy blue jean, simple t-shirt and black shoes. He went downstairs and saw Riki who's sitting on the couch and Sunoo's thinking that may be Riki wait for him.

"Hey, how long have you waiting?" Sunoo asked and sit next to Riki. Riki hold his hand with a worried look.

"I'm worried that this thing I wanted you to work on is difficult for you, I kinda worried about your health when it comes handing the company." Riki worriedly said to Sunoo, Sunoo just give him a confused look about Riki's behaviour today.

"Sunoo, I'm leaving for..." before Riki finished his sentence, Sunoo got shocked and the same time.


"What?! You leaving me behind? Why did you f*cking kidnap me in the first place when you leaving me behind after 2 weeks." Sunoo dramatically shouted at Riki like he was one of a k-dramas.

"No you silly, I am only leaving for 1 month because I will just fix  a company problem in US which means you're gonna Acting-CEO tomorrow." Riki said and Sunoo shocked but in the same time, excited because it was sunoo's first time to handling a big company and Sunoo knows he need to be big responsible for Riki's Company.

"But I don't know how to speak Japanese." Sunoo said sadly and look down and Riki felt so sad to hear that but he got something on his mind.

"Don't worry baby, I will teach you how to speak Japanese." Riki said and winked at Sunoo and Sunoo blushed as a red tomato.

The next morning it's 8:10 and sunoo is late 5 minutes which he didn't notice because he sleep at the time 2:00AM because he have been busy reading a basic Japanese words.

Sunoo wakes up because his alarm wake him up, he get up immediately and look to the alarm clock and saw it's already 8:10 which is he's 5 minutes late and of course. Nishimura will be mad at him for waking up late.

He immediately do his morning routine and change his clothes to a business man and fix himself, he look herself in the mirror with a serious mode pretending that he is on Riki's position being a Mafia Boss.

The Sunoo we're seeing right now it's not Sunoo but we're seeing William.

He leave the mansion and drive a BMW Z4 car and leaves the mansion, Sunoo knows how to drive and when he arrived at Nishimura Company, he parked his car on the parking lot and walk to the entrance with cold expression.

"Good morning, Sir Sunoo." Riki's employees bow down to Sunoo and Sunoo just nodded at them and some of Riki's employees that Sunoo was playing along and pretending that he was the real  CEO of the company and some of Riki's Employees falling inlove to him because the Sunoo their seeing right now is different.

"Is that boss' boyfriend?"

"I know right, he's so handsome when he's on his manly mode."

"Sir Sunoo is also handsome in her feminine mode but I prefer the manly mode Sunoo."

"Look how serious is sunoo sempai is, he is so wow!"

Sunoo just ignored what Riki's employees saying and he tapped F10 on the elevator and many girls behind him got thrilled. When the elevator rich to the top, Sunoo leaves and going to Riki's office. He open the door without knowing and sit on swivel chair.

He took off his coat and place it on top of the chair and sit on Riki's chair like he is tired.

"Are you tired, baby?" Riki asked Sunoo curiously and Sunoo just let a heavy sigh. Riki knows that Sunoo is 5 minutes late and he don't wanna scold Sunoo because Sunoo is too precious to him.

"N-no." Sunoo lied to Riki but the truth is Sunoo is very tired from running around until he reach to the 10th floor.

"It's good then have you learn how to speak Japanese?" Riki asked to Sunoo teasingly.

"Uhmm—of course." Sunoo said and Riki just smiled. "I'm glad to hear that and by the way, tomorrow is my flight to US which means tomorrow you're gonna start your acting-CEO thingy." Riki announced.


"Yeah, got a problem with that, baby?" Riki asked in serious tone and Sunoo just gulped seeing another side of Riki.

"N-no and I'm pretty sure I can handle this company to myself." Sunoo said while acting bravely maling Riki chuckles.

"You're really know how to make me fall for you even more, huh?" Riki teased Sunoo again.

"Of course, I do." Sunoo said sassily. After some time, Sunoo started to learn on how to manage the company which find Sunoo difficult.

"Listen Sunoo, in every meetings you should listen to everything the CFO said and aside from being an acting CEO you're also a chairman on board." Riki explain to Sunoo and Sunoo just nodded like he understands anything.

"You don't get it, don't you?" Riki asked Sunoo in poker face and serious tone and Sunoo just nodded.

"How did he finds out that I can't understand anything he said." Sunoo said on his mind while still looking at Riki confusingly.

"That's why I'm gonna taking you to my meetings today and the meeting is about to start and I'm just here waiting for you." Riki said while facing back to Sunoo, Sunoo felt guilty for Riki who waits for him and the meetings were very important to him.

"Okay then let's go, you're gonna be late." Sunoo said and they both leaves and went to the meeting room. After a half an hour they already arrived to the meeting room, Riki sit on a Chairman's seat and Sunoo just sit next to him.

"Good morning, Mr. Nishimura and Mr. Kim." Riki's employees greeted but some of them roll their eyes on Sunoo which Riki notice it but didn't mind.

The employees take their sit and starts listening to CFO.

End of Chapter Nine

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