Chapter Eight

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"Nishimura Riki, Why haven't you told me that your ex-boyfriend right here is so girly? You know that's what I want to a boy." Monjiro said while smirking and he turn his head to Sunoo.

"Shut up, you f**l. He's mine." Riki shouted and he pulled a trigger then k*lled Monjiro. He went closer to Sunoo and pulled his hand.

"Come on, you have some explaining to do in the mansion." Riki said while giving a d*ath glare at Sunoo. They finally arrived at the Mansion and Sunoo  just sitting on a couch, looking at the floor while Riki is just staring at Sunoo d*adly.

"Didn't I told you to not leave my office?" Riki strictly said. Of course, Sunoo f*cked up in the moment.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I was just going t-to c-canteen because I-I'm hungry." Sunoo lied. If Sunoo tells the truth, I'm sure Sunoo will face his d*ath.

"If you wanted to eat something then asked Jay. He's my secretary and your new friend, why can't you just ask him." Riki said calmly 'cause if Riki shouted, he will make Sunoo cry and he don't want that to be happend.

"Hayst! it's fine but next time don't do it again, okay? You're making me worried, Sunoo." He said and hugged Sunoo. Riki loves Sunoo with all his heart and he sacrifice everything for Sunoo.

After 2 weeks, Sunoo become comfortable with Riki. He's comfortable with Riki because He's caring, kind and protective to him and he loved him with all his heart. Until one day, Sunoo was sick and he forced to hide this from her boyfriend.

He wake up with a headache and back pain. He get up from the bed and saw his boyfriend Riki sleeping. He quietly leave the room and wore a maid uniform and clean the whole mansion. He cooked breakfast before cleaning.

After that, he vacuum the floor but the bad reason is the vacuum is so noisy that Riki might awake because of it's sounds. Sunoo don't have choice but to use a vacuum cleaner and clean the floor, couches, windows.

Sunoo look himself in the mirror and smiled cutely because he thinks he looks cute in a maid costume with his short hair. He continued cleaning and after he cleans inside the mansion. He cleans outside the mansion.

He feed Riki's dog a dog food from Riki's yard and went inside the house again. Sunoo is sweating from all the cleaning but he still do his best.

After some minute, Riki went downstairs and saw Sunoo in a maid uniform that made him furious. He called all his maids and asked who dress Sunoo up as a maid in the mansion, no one answered but Sunoo is.

"All of you, who dress Sunoo up as one of the maid in this mansion?" Riki asked coldly to his maid but none of them answered except Sunoo.

"Sempai, this isn't their fault that I wear this outfit. I was the one who wore this outfit, I got bored earlier so I cleaned the whole mansion." Sunoo explained to Riki. Riki touch his nose bridge to calm him down.

"Damn! You cleaned the whole mansion?! Leave that to our maids, and you shouldn't do any house chores, baby." Riki said while holding Sunoo's shoulders. Sunoo is just too close to Riki so Riki was able to touch him.

"Everyone, This is Kim Seonwoo, love of my life. Call him Sir Sunoo. " Riki introduced Sunoo infront of his maid in Japanese while his eyes nailed on Sunoo.

"Is he a korean, Sir?" One of his Maid asked in Japanese.

"Yes, that's why if you want to talk to him then speak English to him because he couldn't understand Japanese." Riki said coldly in Japanese while his eyes still nailed on Sunoo but Sunoo still processing what did they talk about.

"Okay, Sir. Welcome to Japan, Mr. Kim Seonwoo." All of Riki's maid said to Sunoo. Sunoo just flashed a smile.

"Ohayo." (Hello) Sunoo shyly said to Riki's maid.

"I can only speak a little Japanese  and English." Sunoo said.

While Riki is working in the living room, he suddenly heard a fight coming from the kitchen. He went to the kitchen and saw one of his maid fighting with Sunoo.

"Mashiro, what have you done?!" Riki shouted and come closer to Sunoo. He hugged Sunoo away from Mashiro.

"That boy steal my Mint Chocolate from the fridge, Sir." Mashiro said and look down.

"But Mint Chocolate is my favourite." Sunoo said and pouted like a baby. "I didn't know that those Mint Chocolate was yours."

"Then you shouldn't touch it." Mashiro shouted at Sunoo and Mashiro forgets that she is infront of his boss.

Riki pulled his gun from his pocket and pointed at Mashiro. "Don't f*cking shout at Sunoo like that." Riki said coldly and Mashiro got scared and walk backwards.

"Boss, I'm sorry. I wouldn't do that again, I didn't know that Sunoo Sempai also likes Mint Chocolate too." Mashiro scaredly said while his body trembling in fear.

"How dare you to call Sunoo like that, he's not your sempai." Riki shouted coldly and he won't think twice but to pull a trigger and k*lled Mashiro infront of him.

Sunoo got shocked and his tears falling down from his eyes. Mashiro just d*ed infront of him.

After 2 mins, Sunoo still couldn't sleep after what happened earlier but thank goodness that Riki is now asleep. Snoring so loudly.

End of Chapter Eight

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