Chapter Thirty

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Mechanics: The first person will look to a different things and he/she will give a clue to his/her members about that thing and the members will try to guess it and if one person will get the right answer will win.

"I spy with my little eye something blue." IU said and everyone started to think what is that thing.

"Is it Soobin's Beach shirt?" Jungwon stated making Soobin shocked because Soobin wore a blue beach shirt and a blue beach short.


"Is it Soobin's beach short." Somi try to guess but she didn't get the answer right. Sunoo was thinking what IU mentioned about that something blue and an idea got on his mind.

"Is it the beach?" Sunoo stated and got the correct answer.

"You're right, it is the beach." IU said while smiling and everyone look at the beach to see if Sunoo's answer is correct and it is.

"My turn! I spy with my little eye something pink." Sunoo said and everyone started to think what is Sunoo's mentioned about that that pinky thingy. Sunoo mentioned about Somi's pink Sungglases but luckily Soobin got the correct answer.

"Is it Somi's pink Sungglases." Soobin answered while pointing at Somi's pink Sungglases on her head.

"It is!" Sunoo said happily.

"My turn! I spy with my little eye something squishy." Soobin stated and everyone got confused and started to whisper about a correct answer but no one got a correct answer.

Soobin was actually referring to Riki's squishy muscles and they are so squishy when you squish them.

Everyone except for Sunoo tries to guess the right answer but no one knew and Sunoo still thinking what Soobin's referring about.

"No one got a correct answer? All right then the answer is...that man over there." Soobin said while thrilling and pointed out the guy and he didn't know that was Sunoo's ex.

Sunoo and Jungwon look at the guy where Soobin pointing out and got shocked what they saw.

"Soobin, never point to that guy again." Sunoo said nervously while looking at Riki but good thing Riki faced the beach.

"Oh...but why?" Soobin asked curiously.

"I don't wanna tell you now but I will tell you in the right time." Sunoo said nervously and his body really shaking in fear.

"Oh...okay, take your time, Sunoo." Soobin said and smiled. Even tho Soobin really wants to know the truth, he didn't forced Sunoo to tell the truth because he know how much Sunoo got traumatised based on his actions.

"Everyone, pizza's here." Somi said while walking towards them and there's three boxes of pizza on her hands and everyone got excited and Somi open the box of pizza.

It was a hawaiian pizza and everyone enjoys eating pizza and after they eat they go swimming and Sunoo was peacefully laying under the Sun.

Until a random volleyball hit Sunoo and he get up furiously cause he thought one of his friends hit him.

"I'm sorry Sir, Are you hurt?" A familiar voice making Sunoo stop and wanted to run quickly. He cover his face and was about to run away when a guy touch his arms.

"If I hurt you, then I apologise." The boy realized that he hit his boss' boyfriend making his eyes grew wider.


"Jay?" Sunoo answered back.

"Oh....if you're here, then where's Jungwon?" Jay asked while looking around but he couldn't find Jungwon.

"Are you going here in Boracay by yourself?" Jay asked while looking at Sunoo and squinted his eyes.

"Y-yeah.." Sunoo answered nervously. He need to hide Jungwon from his ex.

"Oh...I thought that I see you with Jungwon earlier, if that's the case then where is he?" Jay asked also and Sunoo just look at the palm tree where Jungwon's hiding.

"If only he knew Jungwon was behind his back hiding in a palm tree." Sunoo said on his mind and smirked and his smirk faded when Jay fronted him so he look away quickly and quickly look at Jay's eyes.

"Are you going to tell Riki if you find out that I'm hiding here in Philippines?" Sunoo asked nervously and look away.

"N-no! Of course not, I know you are tired living in Nishimura's hell mansion so I'm giving you a space and if you want me to tell him, then I can tell him." Jay said and he was about to leave when Sunoo hold his hand.

"Please don't tell him that I'm here in Philippines hiding." Sunoo said and Jay smirked when an idea pop-out on his mind.

"Okay but in one condition, you will have to tell me where is Jungwon hiding and if not then I'll tell him." Jay said and smirked. Sunoo knows that Jungwon needs privacy and he wanted a space from that Mafia boss.

"I-I don't know where is Jungwon, Jungwon tells me that he's hiding in America while I'm hiding here in Philippines with my cousin." Sunoo lied and Jay can see them in his eyes that he's lying.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure and who doesn't." Sunoo said nervously and quickly ran away leaving Jay still standing.

End of Chapter Thirty

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