Chapter Fifteen

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Meanwhile on Yakuza Mafia Gang, Jeon Jungkook was the member of Yakuza mafia along with the other BTS members and Cha Eunwoo was the mafia boss of Yakuza Mafia and number 1 enemy of Nishimura Riki.

"Boss, We got a news." Jungkook said and bows to Eunwoo who is busy lighting up the cigarette.

"Spill it." Eunwoo said coldly.

"Nishimura Riki letting his ex-boyfriend Kim Seonwoo handle the Nishimura company while he's away." Jungkook said the truth to Eunwoo.

"Gosh! I've been waiting for this for so long and soon the Nishimura company will get bankrupted and we will get to the top 1 again." Eunwoo said while laughing evily.

"We research all about Kim Seonwoo and turns out he is a male who act like feminine and looks like Nishimura is so obsessed with this boy." Jungkook also said while showing Eunwoo the pictures of Sunoo.

"I kinda like this boy already." Eunwoo whispered while looking to Sunoo's picture. Who knows? Many man are getting obsessed with Sunoo because of his Feminine side which is every man's ideal type of a boy.

If they are gay.

"But Kim Seonwoo already have a boyfriend in his class named Park Sunghoon and may be it's impossible to kidnap him, boss." Jin spoke while walking towards to Eunwoo.

"I have a better idea." Eunwoo said and leave making Jungkook and Jin confused, they don't have a choice but to follow their bosses plan.

"So what's your plan, boss?" Jin asked curiously and Eunwoo just give him a d*ath glare so Jin keep quiet.

12 o clock in the middle of a night and all of Riki's bodyguards is sleeping so as Jay and now it's their time to kidnap Sunoo.

They climb to the gate and walls on their way to Riki's room where Sunoo sleep, Eunwoo finally climb up to Riki's room and come close to Sunoo who is sleeping peacefully.

"Gosh! I didn't know that you're kinda cute and innocent in person." Eunwoo said and kisses his forehead. Eunwoo smirked when he's ready to marry this guy when he wakes up.

"I don't care if you have Park Sunghoon or Nishimura Riki and the truth is your mine now." Eunwoo said while smirking.

"Let's see if this boy is your weakness, Nishimura if I kill him infront of you." Eunwoo said to his mind, still smirking while looking at Sunoo who is peacefully sleeping.

The next day, 7 am in the morning. Jay wake up due to a headache, he woke up and do his morning rituals and cook breakfast for Sunoo.

He opens the door and he saw Sunoo wasn't in the bed so he was thinking that Sunoo was in the bathroom already, he went to the bathroom and saw Sunoo isn't in the bathroom either. Neither downstairs.

"Impossible that you are not already in the company, Sunoo. Because you don't know how to drive." Jay said on his self while itching his hair because of confusion.

Meanwhile, Sunoo woke up to a different room. He look around and saw the room was completely different. Suddenly, the guy open the door and come closer to Sunoo.

"Is my baby awake?" Eunwoo said making Sunoo shocked.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" Sunoo asked curiously.

"Okay let me introduce myself. I'm Cha Eunwoo and you are already living here. Our wedding will be on June 1." Eunwoo said making Sunoo digust because Sunoo isn't use to talk with a strangers.

"What are you talking about? I'm already engage to the man I love."  Sunoo shouted angrily.

"Too late because you're mine now and you will stay here in this hell for the rest of your life." Eunwoo said and locked the door.

Sunoo hugged his knees and cry on it, thinking that Nishimura will save him because he thinks that Nishimura is busy on the company in US.

On the other hand, Jay called Riki nervously and scaredly because Riki might scold him if he didn't look out for Sunoo everynight so as the bodyguards.

"Hey Jay, what do you want?" Riki answered the call making Jay sigh in relief.

"Mr. Nishimura, Mr. Kim is gone and I couldn't find him anywhere." Jay panicked to the phone call.

"What?! Where is Sunoo?" Riki asked furiously.

"That exactly my point, I don't know where he is." Jay panicked.

"Calm down, Jay, Try to asked Sunghoon. if he have Sunoo if he doesn't want to speak the truth, kill him." Riki said and ended up the phone call.

"Hello? Mr. Nishimura? Riki? Are you still there? Over the pader?" Jay said curiously because no one is answering his question right now, he look to his phone and saw Riki ended up the call.

"Child of a cat! Where the hell are you, Sunoo." Jay said on his mind while looking left and right.

End of Chapter Fifteen

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