Chapter Twenty-One

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"Why did you planned to k*ll Sunghoon?" Jake asked to Riki. They are now outside of Sunoo's room and they said that Sunoo fainted while going out to shopping.

"Because I knew, he wouldn't stop Sunoo." Riki said and look away. Jake just let out a sigh before he speaks.

"Because Sunghoon and Sunoo are now engaged and Sunghoon can freely going out with Sunoo whatever he likes." Jake said making Riki stop.

"That won't let that happened. you see, Sunghoon is d*ad now and Me and Sunoo will marry each other on March 3." Riki said bravely and proud.

"You know that Sunoo is happy now with Sunghoon and you ruined Sunoo's happiness with him." Jake said making Riki furious.

"Why did you keep involving Sunghoon all the time? I said, Sunoo is mine and he is only mine." Riki said and crossed his arms.

"Because he's my friend, I need to do what makes my friend Sunoo happy." Jake said in a serious tone and also crossing his arms.

"If that's the case then follow my orders if you don't wanna lose your life just like what I did to Sunghoon." Riki said while leaving Jake behind. Jake still shocked what he heard and thinking that may be he will follow Riki's orders for his safety or protect his friend Sunoo.

"Please Jungwon, tell me if you guys are lying!!!" Sunoo shouted while crying and throw a pillow on Jungwon, Jungwon tries to calm him down but he can't.

Suddenly the doctor came in and raised an eyebrows to them, asking what happened.

"Doctor, please tell me that Park Sunghoon is alive, he is alive right? I know he won't leave me." Sunoo said while crying and pleaded to the doctor infront of him.

"What you heard from your friends is true, if you want to see him then follow me." The doctor said and leave, Sunoo don't have choice but to follow the doctor until they reached to Operation Room.

Once they opened the Operation room, the doctor open the door and Sunoo saw Sunghoon's lifeless body laying on of the hospital bed. He quickly come to Sunghoon and cried on his chest.

"Sunghoon, why did you leave me?" Sunoo shouted while crying in pain. It hurts him that the man he loves just d*ed while he's asleep.

"You promised me that you will marry me on February 14, you said you loved me and willing to sacrifice everything for me but why did you gone out of my sight?" Sunoo also shouted while crying in pain and his faced turns to anger and hugged Sunghoon tightly.

"Don't worry Sunghoon, I will make that b*stard pay for his sins. I will definitely get Revenge on him for you." Sunoo said angrily and clenched his fist because of anger.

His emotion got mixed-up. Anger, confusion, sadness, and he's crying a lot.

After a few minutes, the doctor said that Sunoo may leave now and before Sunoo leave the room, he glanced at Sunghoon for the last time.

"Thank you, Sunghoon. For showing me what is true love and you are my first and last love I will love with all my heart. I prayed all night if maybe one night I will dream about you, about us having a fun and happy family together with our future childs. Thank you for being my love with all this years and you're the only one who beats my heart for the very first time. I remembered when I first saw you, you made my heart beats very fast when we made an eye contact." Sunoo said on his mind and tears falling down from his right eye.

"You're the only one who makes my day special, I remembered that you're the only one who remembered my birthday when Jungwon and Jake forgot my birthday. Thank you for existing, Park Sunghoon. I will love you unconditionally." Sunoo said again on his mind and leaved.

"Only God knows how much you are special to me, I hope you're in heaven now my love. You may now Rest in peace." Sunoo said on his mind while walking sadly on the hospital hallway. crying. Some people look at him with a worried look because they think something sad must be happend to Sunoo.

"Sunoo!!" Jungwon and Jake shouted while running closer to Sunoo. Sunoo immediately hugged on Jungwon's arms and cried on his shoulders.

"It hurts! It f*cking hurts, Jungwon!" Sunoo said while crying. Jungwon and Jake tapped on his back to calm him down.

"It's okay Sunoo, me and Jake are always here for you." Jungwon worriedly said and look at Jake with a sad look. Sunoo sobbed on Jungwon's shoulders and screamed in pain.

Boy! The author also got teared up while writting this chapter, I couldn't help it but to cry too because I'm the author and I'm the one who made this story.

End of Chapter Twenty-One

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