Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Sunoo got annoyed because Riki was calling him for 5 times and all he to do is to block Jay and Riki's number so they won't be able to call him again. He block Jay and Riki's number and brush peacefully his teeth.

After Sunoo did his night routine, he lay on the bed while feeling tired. He closed his eyes and sleeps.

On the other hand, Jungwon is getting annoyed because his phone buzzed and rings a lot and he knew it was Jay because they couldn't find him. Jungwon thanks to his brain that he was the one suggested to Sunoo to live in Philippines so Jay and Riki won't be able to find them in Korea.

• Flashback at Jungwon POV

"Sunoo, I think we should live in the Philippines than here in Korea." I said worriedly and Sunoo just look at him while raised his eyebrows.

"Why?" Sunoo asked sassily.

Okay here we go again, the sassy Sunoo is back.

"Because Riki and Jay will be able to find us if we still hide in Korea and Riki and Jay knows where we live so I'm thinking that we should hide in Philippines. Don't worry, we're safe there if we lived there." I said and Sunoo smiled at my idea. I think my plan works.

"Good idea!" Sunoo said while making a huge smile.

• End of Flashback at Author POV

Sunday in the morning and Sunoo wakes up and doing his morning routine.

"Good morning, Kim Seonwoo." Jungwon greeted and enters Sunoo's room and saw no one in the bed and he heard someone is showering in the bathroom.

He got curious so he went to the bathroom and open the door and enter himself and he saw Sunoo taking a bath.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Sunoo shouted and cover himself with his own hands.

"Sunoo, Calm down. We're both boys." Jungwon said Sunoo stop shouting.

"What are you doing here exactly?" Sunoo asked while getting the soap from the cabinet.

"Uhmm....IU invited us to eat breakfast at the beach house, hurry up cause you know IU's patience is short and she can get mad why we're taking too long." Jungwon said and leave the bathroom, Sunoo shower hurriedly because IU don't like slow person.

After Sunoo takes a bath, he changed his clothes and wore a white sando and a beach short, he also wore a sunglasses and ready to go.

"Looking good, Seonwoo." Jungwon Compliment and Sunoo just laughed and they immediately leave the beach house and went to a beach house close to the beach.

"Looking good, Sunoo. You're so hot." Soobin Complimented while looking at Sunoo up-and-down.

"I know." Sunoo said on his deep voice making them shocked because they never heard Sunoo speaking in a deep voice before and the Sunoo they know is a little feminine.

Sunoo smirked when they see their reactions. "Once again, The Kim Seonwoo is back."

On the other POV, Jay and Riki are in Chichester resort having relax from all that business work. Jay recommended to Riki that he need to relax a little bit and planned to go in the Philippines to relax.

"Any luck?" Jay asked while laying under the sun with his sunglasses on.

"No!" Riki said while also laying under the sun and so many girls are looking at them because of their hot body. More like they have an abs.🤭

They also heard the girl's Compliment but they just ignore it because it's nothing special and plus, they are loyal to Sunoo and Jungwon only.

"Damn! Look at that fine mans, they are so hot."

"Damn! I really need to break up with my boyfriend right now and be a relationship to a fine mans like them."

There's also two girls playing a song called Miss Flores by xb battalion. (Is it? I don't know) and they sing it.

"Nakikita mo ba yan?" (Do you see that?)

"Alin?" (Where?)

"Yung nasa harapan." (The one in front)

"Saan?" (Where?)

"Ah basta lumingon ka nalang." (Ah, just turn around.)

"Anong meron dyan?" (What's there?)

"Ewan ko masyadong mahiwaga." (I don't know, it's so mysterious)

Even tho they don't understand the song, they just ignored it because it's a Filipino language and Author is one of Filipino.

"Mr. Riki, is that Jungwon and Sunoo?" Jay asked while pointing at the two boys playing volleyball and Riki immediately get up and look at the two boys where Jay pointed.

"It's not." Riki said coldly and lay back. Halatang umaasa.

"Alright then." Jay said and also lay back because he thought that he seen Jungwon and Sunoo but he is.

"Sunoo, bring it here!" Jungwon shouted and Sunoo bounced the volleyball using her hands and toast it to Jungwon and Jungwon also toast it to IU and IU was about to toast the ball when she suddenly fall to the sand making them gasps.

"IU, are you okay?" Jungwon asked worriedly and IU look at her knee and saw it was bleeding.

"Don't worry girls, I can handle it." Soobin said and carry IU to his arms. Sunoo, Somi and Jungwon got shocked when Soobin lift IU with his arms and got thrilled too.

They head back to a small beach house close to the beach made of woods and Soobin healed IU's knee.

"There, we should play something  that won't hurt anyone else." Soobin suggested and everyone agreed.

"Let's play a game called I spy." IU said and everyone game to play. It is IU first and he look everywhere to find his target.

End of Chapter Twenty-Nine

I will tell in Chapter thirty how to play a game called I spy for those who don't know.

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