chapter 4

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The journey was not was smooth after that bat attacking.

The sun rises there and day light was spreading there.

Wen ning shouted loudly,"we get the location of song lan......

Wen qing comes and check the route.

Wen qing,"first we can go for searching them....then we can look for Wei wuxian here......


Wen qing,"we can split in to two groups one will lead by me and other by wen Ning....

They spitled as two groups.

Wen qing,wangji, Jiang Cheng and others.

Wen Ning,xue yang, xingchen and others.

Wen qing,"it was five kilometres to the lake.....we will go on different paths....we can meet in lake.  .....

Xingchen wanted to go with wangji,but situation was not supporting him.


Shizhui,jingyi and jin ling mouth was taped and legs were locked.

There were about fifteen men who were dressed in pure black. Everyone face was also covered.They were carrying so many machine guns and weapons.

Black man,"who are you all?where is Mr lan wangji????

Since shizhui,jingyi and jin ling mouth was tied ,they were making low voices.

Other black man,"remove their tape...

Shizhui,jingyi and jin ling breathed heavily.

Jingyi,"Are you asking the question with the putting cloth in our mouth????

Black guard point gun towards his head.

Jingyi,"I will tell .....we are  jingyi, jinling,shizhui....

Shizhui,"we were just following wangji gege....we have to do nothing with him....leave us....

Black guard,"then why are you following him???

Shizhui,"that.....he was reluctant to take us with we are secretly following him...

They don't reply.

Black guard,"tape the mouth again...'

Black guard called someone.He moved to other side.

At that time jingyi signalled shizhui.

Shizhui head shaked and called orher black guard.other guards were few meters away from them.

He removed the tape.

Shizhui,"I want to pee....

Black guard fully scanned shizhui.

Black guard,"come....

Black guard removed rope from hand and leg and take shizhui inside the forest side.

On the other hand jingyi and jinling already cut the rope with their pencil knife.They were cutting the rope in legs.they were looking at guards whether they are watching them.

Black guard,"boss...they were jingyi, jinling, shizhui....


Black guard,"okay boss we will finish them....


That black guard was about to turn ,jinling throw a needle at his neck.He fall on the floor like wood.they already heard the conversation.

Shizhui already make black guard unconscious.

The trio started to run inside the forest.

They could here ranting of black guards.

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