chapter 10

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Xichen suddenly shoot at wangji.

Blood splashes on Jiang Cheng's face. wangji's grip loosed on him.

He catched the falling body of Wei wuxian, who stood infront of him for saving him and Jiang cheng.he covers the place with his hands.

Bullet pierce through his shoulder.Blood flows like a river.

Xiao zhan eyes glowed in red.he growled angryly.Next second he attacked xichen.There was a big conflict between them. xiao zhan started to punch on xichen face.xichen's face started to bleed.but he punched back.xiao zhan falled over a tree. xichen was a strong willed person.For his love,he will destroy the whole world.

But xiao zhan was also strong.He locked xichen on the floor.

Xingchen who was about to help was knocked out by xue yang.

Xiao zhan,"apply Mountain herb infront of the cave on his will heal soon....

Jin ling,jnigyi and shizhui appiled mountain herb paste on the wound caused by bullet.


Wuxian was in pain.wangji eyes swells in tears.He couldn't protect his love wei Ying.For him Wei wuxian got shooted by xichen.

Wangji wanted to kill xichen now.

Wuxian,"I am okay. ...this wound will cured by this medicine.....

Wuxian give a reassuring smile to wangji.wangji kissed on his forehead.

Xichen,"so you have a lover....then why should you with my cheng....


Jiang cheng hardly slapped on his face.

Jiang Cheng angrily,"you never this life try to understand my always do as your heart never give a value to my emotions, my feelings......

Xichen,"but doesn't give a chance to understand didn't wanted to talk to didn't wanted to see me... . what's my fault here?????telll......

He was yelling.He couldn't move.He put his head to the ground and tears started coming from his eyes.

Xichen,"why don't you Jiang Cheng???why????you are hurting me.....

Jiang Cheng,"who hurt whom???tell did I hurt you????Didn't you hurt me? destroyed my body and destroyed my destroyed......

Xichen,"what did you say????? Jiang cheng.....I destroyed your body and mind??what are you saying???

Still xichen was struggling in xiao zhan grip.

Jiang Cheng,"you are an animal.....

Xichen,"please.... Jiang cheng....give me chance.... please tell everything....

Jiang Cheng,"you don't remember??huh??? don't you remember that night???you were drunk and forced yourself on rape me.....

Jiang cheng kneel in the floor and cover his face with his hands and cry.His tears are almost dry.The sadness that has been hidden in the heart for so long.

Xichen become silent.

Xichen couldn't believe what he heard.

Jiang Cheng become severely traumatised after that incident.Xichen, under the influence of alcohol, captures and rapes Jiang Cheng.He was mentally and physically broken to do that event.But Xichen doesn't remember that.Alcohol was what made him do everything that day. Jiang Cheng was a high school student at that time.It was the biggest shock to Jiang Cheng's mind.It was his friends wangji and xue yang who helped him get out of the mental trouble.

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