chapter 7❤️

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Now Wangji was sitting in the floor and leaning over the cave wall. now the two headed snake was infront of wangji and observing him.

Green eyed snake again moved closer to wangji and bury it's head on wangji's it wanted to hear his heart beats.

Due to the two snakes being together, the red snake could not move away . So the red-eyed snake also lay down with its head on a nearby rock.But its eyes were watching Wangji.

Wangji was sweating profusely.He get a familiarity feeling with green eyed snake.but he was feared.But tiredness and sleepiness consumed him.soon he fall asleep.

The next day he woke up.He felt a wait in his body.He rubbed his eyes and opened them.

His Eyes widened unknowingly.Because his beloved Wei wuxian is lying on his chest. But the looks were different. Now he have long sliky black smooth hair. Wearing ancient green robes.

When Wangji turned his head he was shocked to see the sight there. because another Wei wuxian was lying there.He was wearing a black and red dress.

Wangji slowly tried to get up, not understanding what was going on.Efforts to keep them sleep were unsuccessful.Both of them jumped up as Wangji moved.

They both looked wangji.but then they relaised themselves. Both started to touch there on body. Both are surprised on seeing their human body.

At that time Wei wuxian relaized he was above confused wangji. Wei wuxian face become red tint.

On seeing that xiao zhan pulled back Wei wuxian from wangji's body.xiao zhan started to glare at wangji.

But unexpected pull back from xiao zhan made both Wei wuxian and wangji sad.Both looked xiao zhan as a culprit.

Wangji looked at the two of them in Wei wuxian in green eyes and other was in red eyes.

Wangji looked at green eyed Wei wuxian,

Wangji"Wei ying....

Wangji stand up from the floor.

Wei wuxian,"lan zhan.....

Wei wuxian run towards wangji and hugged him.He started to kiss all over wangji's face.

Wangji become numb .

Wei wuxian,"lan zhan....

Wangji eyes swells with tears and wuxian eyes swells with tears.

Wangji cupped wuxian face.

Wangji ,"wei Ying.....

Wangji kissed on wuxian's lips.Tears fall from both eyes.

But suddenly wangji pulled back by two strong arms.xiao zhan pulled wangji away from wuxian.He stood infront of Wei wuxian.

Wei wuxian,"xiao zhan..... that is my lan lan zhan....

Xiao zhan glared at Wei wuxian.

Xiao zhan,"he was our enemy....

Wei wuxian,"no he is my love.....

Xiao zhan,"he is the reason for us to become two headed snake.....

Wei wuxian,"that was not his fault.... it was curse by that old monk....

Xiao zhan doesn't say anything. but he still glares at wangji and wuxian.

Wangji,"two headed snake????so.......... You were the s-n-a-k-e?????

Wei wuxian," were snakes.....

Wangji started to touch his shoulder.
Wangji,"aah.... it's paining....

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