chapter 8

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Jiang Cheng slowly opens his eyes.He sits up and looked the surrounding.He understand that he was in a cave.He looks at his body.He was looking perfectly fine.
He  remembers the sound of gun shot he heard.

He thinks,"who helped me??where is this place???where is wangji and xue yang???

Suddenly he heard a voice behind him.He looked back.Looking back , his eyes widened with fear.

He moved back slowly.He started to sweating.His eyes shows the evidence of his fear.

"Jiang Cheng......."

"Move away from fucking lan xichen..... don't come near to me....

"Jiang Cheng..... please hear me......."

"No.....go away.....where is wangji??? where is my friends??...what did you do them???....

On hearing wangji from Jiang cheng mouth,lan Xichen face darkned.

Lan xichen,"I killed him and snatch what belongs to me.....

Jiang Cheng stunned at his point.

Jiang Cheng run towards xichen and grabbed his shoulder.

Jiang Cheng,"what did you do him?????

Lan xichen expressionlessly,"I killed him....


Jiang cheng slapped continuesly on xichen 's face. xichen forcefully grabbed his hand.

Xichen,"why are you so agitated??Acting like i killed your boyfriend...huh???Who is he to you?

Jiang cheng,"you bastard....

Xichen,"He is my brother but I feel no sorrow after killing him. And why should you be sad?I don't want tears from your eyes for him..... your tears are only belongs to me....

Jiang cheng started to kick and fight with xichen.But he couldn't break the grip of lan xichen.

Xichen,"why are you sad for him????I don't like must be sad about me....Why are you always worried about him? should worry about me......why are you only smile at him? should only smile at me....

Jiang cheng,"leave me....

Xichen,"Only I have the right to stroke your hair....why did you allow him to touch you???you are belongs me...."

Jiang Cheng eyes are dried.He has no more tears.He couldn't fight back with xichen.He lost his consciousness.

Xichen hugged tightly that falling figure.

Xichen hugged tightly that falling figure

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