chapter 9

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Night time:

Song lan, wen qing and others started there walk.They were aiming the sea shore where there yacht located.

They walked one hour and get near the yizhan lake.The lake was shining under moon light.

Song lan,"Let's travel along the lake bank....

But on the way they crying sound of person loudly.The person is crying at his highest sound.

Wen qing,"that sound was it Jiang cheng???

Song lan,"let's go and check......


On other hand ,wen Ning direction was wrong.They again reached yizhan lake for third time.

Jin ling,"the saying was was round,so we reach the point were we started the journey.....

Others are not in mood in to comment on this trifles.

Xue yang,"what will we do??? it's already night.....

Xingchen ,"look....there was smoke....If you see smoke, there will be human presence there....

Wen ning,"yes we can go there....."

They aimed the smoke and started to walk.


Wangji,wei wuxian and xiao zhan were eating fruits.

Wangji,"Did any of you see those who came with me?

But that question was aiming towards xiao zhan.

Xiao zhan,"Your friends are right here, wandering here and there without getting out of the way....

Wangji,"please bring them all here.....we will discuss everything with them .....and they all must be tired of continuous walk.....

Xiao zhan,"no....You can go and find them all.....

Wei wuxian,"how he goes  this night?All of us snakes are stronger at night. Go and collect everyone .  ....Don't scare them....

Xiao zhan,"for Wei wuxian,I will go.....not for you....
Xiao zhan glares at wangji.

Xiao zhan changed to his snake form and slithered away.

Wangji,"why he always try to scare me??...I am already scared of him.....

Wangji pouted sadly.

Wuxian pulls wangji towards his chest and started to kiss on his forehead.

Wuxian,"I am with you so don't be afraid of anyone.....

Wuxian leaved wangji from his chest.

Wangji again pouted and faked sad.wangji,"please hug me....I am still scared.....

Wangji was not ready live wuxian's bossom.He loves the warmth radiating from wuxian.


Wen Ning,"shijie......

Wen qing,"Ning......

They were standing in the direction of hearing the cry,but suddenly they meet with wen Ning's team.Wen qing was holding a fire torch ,it's smoke attracted them.

Xue yang,"thank God......finally we meet......b-u-t....where is wangji and Jiang Cheng?????song lan??

Wen qing explained how she separated by the attack of snake.

Xue yang,"oh my god!!!what we will do now???

Suddenly they all heard crying sound,but it's intensity was less as compared to first.

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