40- Is this my Family?

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Charles checked the thermometer again. It still reads 39°C. He realised that the fact, "Whenever Neo falls ill, it's terrible" was true. He sighed and wiped Neo's forehead with a damp cloth. He had given him the medicine an hour ago, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

Charles: Neo, we should go to the hospital. Your fever is too high. You might have an infection or something worse.

Neo opened his eyes slightly and shook his head.

Neo: No, please. I don't want to go. Maybe it will go down by tomorrow. Just let me rest here for tonight.

Charles knew it was useless to argue with him. He decided to wait and take him there tomorrow first thing in the morning if Neo doesn't get any better. He decided to let him have his way, for now. He hoped he wouldn't regret it later.

He pulled the blanket over Neo's shivering body and kissed his forehead gently.

Charles: Okay, okay. I'll wait with you. But promise me you'll let me take you to the doctor tomorrow if you're not better.

Neo nodded and closed his eyes again. He felt a sharp pain in his lower back.

After having fun that night, Now his body was all acting up. Charles noticed the pain and said,

Charles: You have back pain?? You should've told me!!

Neo: It's okay it will be fine.

Charles: Was I too rough? I'm sorry-

Charles felt bad for that condition of Neo. He realised this first isn't going to go down in history now.

Charles suggested,

Charles: Turn over, I'll massage for you.

Neo agreed and turned over to ease the pain a bit. Charles gently placed his hands on Neo's back and started giving him a massage. Neo warned,

Neo: Keep your hands on my back. Don't you go below my waist.

Charles chuckled and replied,

Charles: Sure sir.

Neo wondered as he bit his lips, hugging the pillow tightly,

Neo: I surely had a great time but there is such a thing as moderation.

After a warm dinner they slept comfortably.

Neo felt a gentle touch on his forehead and opened his eyes. He saw Charles looking at him with a worried expression. Charles held a thermometer in his hand and shook his head. Charles said, pulling the blanket off Neo.

Charles: Your fever hasn't gone down, Neo. You need to see a doctor. Come on, get up. We're going to the hospital right now."

Neo groaned and tried to protest. He didn't want to go anywhere. He just wanted to stay in bed and cuddle with Charles. Neo felt safe and loved in Charles' arms. He didn't care about his illness.

But before he could say anything, they heard the door bell ringing.

Charles got up and walked towards the door. Neo heard him open it and greet someone. Then he heard footsteps and voices coming closer to the bedroom.

Neo felt a surge of panic. He wasn't ready to meet anyone. He quickly grabbed the blanket and covered himself. He hoped it was just a delivery guy or a neighbor.

But his hopes were dashed when he saw two familiar faces enter the room. They were Charles' parents. Neo had seen their pictures on Charles' phone and social media. They looked exactly like him, except older and more stern.

Sweet Rivalry : From Bitter Enemies To Sweet Lovers (BXB)Where stories live. Discover now