彡┆ Valentine's Day

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Idol in Disguise

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Idol in Disguise


Trigger warning: None

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Trigger warning: None.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

~ [Name] POV ~

It was a typical Wednesday, just going to school like always. Though, you've noticed that many people were giving gifts to each other? Was today something special? You've been so busy working on your choreography for your upcoming concert, that you haven't had time to see if anything special was occurring this week.

You went through your entire first two periods before making it to lunchtime... finally. You arrived at the cafeteria to find your friends sitting at the usual table. You then walked over to them to greet them. Nilou, Kirara and Kokomi were talking, but Lynette was still as quiet as ever.

"Hi guys," You smiled as you sat down next to Nilou, she also had a smile on her face.

"Hi, [Name]!" Nilou exclaimed. Suddenly, she leaned in close to you. "So~... have you brought anything for someone... special?" She smirked. You were puzzled by her statement, which was evident on your face.

"Someone... special?" You repeat back.

"What? Did you seriously forget about Valentine's Day?!" Kirara asked in disbelief. Your eyes widened. It was Valentine's Day, no wonder why everyone was exchanging gifts. But, Nilou asked if you had brought something for someone. Which you didn't, obviously.

"Um... perhaps?" You chuckled awkwardly. Nilou rolls her eyes.

"Seriously [Name]? Sigh... you could've gotten someone something!" She says, looking a bit disappointed. You shrugged your shoulders.

"Sorry, I've just been busy lately," You say. 

"That makes sense. I, too, have been pretty busy lately as well," Kokomi commented. "So really I haven't had the time to even think about Valentine's Day. Besides, I don't have anyone to give a gift to."

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