彡┆ Ch. 12

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Idol in Disguise

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Idol in Disguise


Trigger warning: None

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Trigger warning: None.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

~ Scaramouche POV ~

I walked home from school in the rain. I held my umbrella as thoughts of the bracelet that [Name] had plagued my mind. I could have sworn that it felt familiar. I gripped the handle of the umbrella tightly as I walked faster, hoping to get home quicker to confirm my suspicions of something.

"I swear it looks exactly like that bracelet I had when I was younger..." I thought. I couldn't stop thinking about that damn bracelet. Why did it mean so much to me? It isn't even mine...

I arrived home at last, holding my umbrella tightly. As I walked inside, I shook off the water that was on top of my umbrella on the porch before walking inside. Suddenly, I heard my mother's voice as I folded up my umbrella and placed it on the ground.

"Scara!" My mother's sweet tone exclaims as walks up to me. She had her arms out as I looked up at her briefly. It appeared that she wanted a hug.

"Hi, mum..." I mumbled as I quickly took off my shoes before attempting to walk past her. Unfortunately for me, she quickly embraced me in a hug. I let out a small grunt as my eyes widen in surprise. "You're home early..."

"Oh, I had to pick up Shou from school since Miko was still at work," Mum explained. I made a small 'oh'. I then looked over her shoulder to see Miko sitting on the couch looking through some documents. It seems that she was still working. "Anyway, how was school, sweetie?" She asked.

"It was fine..." I grumbled as I pulled away from the hug. Before she could say anything else I walked past her and ran off to my room. I slammed the door behind me as I escaped the grasp of my extremely loving mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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