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 It was quite a cool evening in London. 

The sun was beginning to climb its way back into the deep horizon of winter, making it awfully cold. Frosted leaves were scattered along the damp sidewalk. 

And there, was a man. 

He had a big black jacket on with a blue scarf wrapped around his neck. 

It swung back and forth as he walked. He could feel his feet becoming numb by the second. But he managed to reach where he was headed just in time. 

A cafe shop. 

The small bell rings as he walks in. 

He sighs as he feels the warmth return back to his body. He slips off his gray beanie and scans the place to find the person he was meeting. 

There weren't that many people there but the person he was looking for was seated at a table by the window. 

He was wearing a brown coat with a grey shirt underneath, round glasses with golden rims, and a black beanie over his brunette hair. He drank his coffee while he looked at the newspaper he was holding. But there was also another coffee in front of him with no owner. 

At least not yet. 

The man with the blue scarf began to walk over to the other male, who looks up when he feels his presence. 

"George! How's it been man", he exclaims as he sets his things down to give the other a hug. 

"Hey Sky I've been good, you?", George says while he slowly pats Skyler's back. He wasn't really a fan of hugs but he still gave them anyway. 


They both pull away and sit down. 

"You know you didn't have to get me anything", George mutters as he grabs his drink. 

"It's alright really. I mean I am the one who dragged you out here" 

George hums when he brings the cup to his lips. He sighs with satisfaction as he feels the coffee burn the coldness away in his body. 

"Sorry for not calling as much as I used to. Hope you didn't miss me too much", Skyler chuckles to which the younger rolls his eyes. 

"Anything exciting happen?", Skyler asks. 

"Nah, same boring shit just on a different day" 

"You haven't gone out? Like..at all?" 


"Hasn't Tommy invited you anywhere? I heard him planning to" 

"Yeah he did. I just turned him down" 

"But you didn't turn me down" 

"Tommy can be a little..much sometimes" 

"I'm gonna tell him that", Skyler laughs. 

"Please don't. I'll never hear the end of it", he chuckles. 

"But seriously George. It's not a good thing to isolate yourself. You only leave your house unless someone asks you to. But even then you just decline" 

"I know.." 

"Why don't you get out and do things like go on a walk. And maybe meet new people. I know it'd be good for you so you aren't cooped up in your flat all by yourself", He slightly smiles at the other. But George just stares down at his coffee as he taps the sides with his nails. 

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