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 "This place is really lovely you guys!", Niki comments with a smile. 

"Thanks Niki", George replies as he played with his necklace. 

Once the brunette had moved in, they decided to invite the group over for dinner. Clay was by the stove cooking the meal while George stood behind him, leaning over the island as he talked to Niki and Skyler who were seated on the other side. And the two boys were in the living room messing around with Patches. 

"How is the band thing going?",George asks. 

"Good. We just need to find another guitarist and we should be set", Skyler says. 

"Then you're off onto the big stage", George euthanized. 

"That is the goal", he chuckled. 

"When do you think you're gonna finally be on stage?" 

"Well we have to go to the whole process of making the songs" 

"I thought you wrote some already?" 

"I only wrote a couple of hooks that just randomly came to me but I'm sure when we get the band together we will be expanding on them" 

"The food is almost ready. It just needs to boil for a little bit more", Clay announces as he turns around. George straightens up and looks at the blond. Then gently reaching for the other's necklace to fix it. 

"Thanks", Clay says before leaning down to kiss the brunette on the forehead. But George playfully shoves him away. 

"You know, I'm really glad you guys met. My little Georgie has never been happier", Skyler chuckles.

"Little? You're literally the same age as me!" 

"I will always see you as my little brother" 

George rolls his eyes but smiles. 

"Sky's right. You guys are perfect for each other. How long has it been again?", Niki asks with a smile.  

"Well hmm let me see?", George says as he looks up, scratching his chin. 

"You forgot!? How could you George", Clay gasps while putting his hand over his heart. Also wiping away a fake tear. 

"Kidding, anyway we're about to reach our 3rd year" 

"Wow. It feels like it was only yesterday you guys were being oblivious to your feelings", Skyler comments. 

"Well I-Tommy put the cat down!", Clay exclaims. Everyone turns to see the blond peeking out from behind the fireplace with the feline in his hands. Holding her as if she were a gun. 

"Cat, what cat? This is my legendary RPatchesG-7" 

"Give her to me", Clay sighs while he walks over. 

"Tubbo quick!" 

Next thing Clay knew, he got hit with a cat toy right on the forehead. 

"Back up bitch!", Tommy shouts again. He lifts Patches up as he makes a gun reloading sound. 



The young blond jerks his arms upward slightly, making Patches meow. 

The room gets filled with a series of aww's and laughs. But Clay quickly takes back Patches. 

"You poor thing. Sorry you have to go through that", he cooed. Giving her a kiss on the head. She purrs in return before jumping out of his arms to go run upstairs. 

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