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 After his first sessions, George came to his senses. 

Sure it took him a very good while to come to terms with it. But, he managed to. 

During the time he was in denial, he went out to go find Clay's old apartment. 

He felt a spark of hope when he saw the place. Perhaps this was all a misunderstanding he thought. 

But when he was looking for his exact apartment.

It led him to a brick wall. 

The apartment number 81 didn't exist. 

He couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it. 

Maybe he confused the number he thought. So he knocked on the door with the number 80 on it. 

But when the door opened, it wasn't someone who was tall and dark blonde. It was an elderly woman. 

"Did a person named Clay live here before?", he asked. 

"Oh dear, I believe not. I have lived here for over 10 years so it could just be my memory" 

George apologies and left without another word. 

That was when reality hit him the hardest. 

He didn't want to leave his bed again but he went over what his therapist told him to do whenever he felt really down. 

Skyler would invite George to keep him out of the house. Which was something the therapist suggested for him to do. 

They had to go to different places since George wanted to stay clear from the broadwalk. 

Skyler wasn't sure why but he respected his wishes. 

The group went out to go bungee jumping. 

When it was their turn to go up next, no one wasn't willing to go first. Besides George. 

Right when the instructor asked them who was gonna go first, George imminently took a step forward. 

It shocked everyone but the brunette showed no emotion. When they were putting on his harness or when he walked out on the small beam. 

George didn't have an ounce of fear or uncertainty in his face. 

The brunette looked down at the world beneath him. Taking a breath, he stepped off the only floor he had left. 

Who knows how much speed he was building up but George didn't care. 

He let gravity do its thing. 

 He closes his eyes as he feels himself fall head first. He lets his body go, it's not like he had control over it now. 

The wind rushed through his hair and nose. It felt funny to him but it was the free feeling that distracted him from it. 

Suddenly he gets jerked upwards. Deep down he wished the harness wasn't snug on his hips and over shoulders.

"It has been a few months since you first reached me for help. Remember, I am here for you 100% of the way. Nothing you say is wrong and the way you may feel is not wrong either. Let yourself feel whatever emotion you have. It can be anger, sadness, or even nothing. You will work through it like we practiced okay? Now, how have you been feeling lately?", asked the long hair blonde. 

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