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 Once the two of them had finished their drinks. They decided to leave. But before doing so, Clay had given George his number and told him he'll text back as soon as his phone was back to life. 

The brunette was currently in his room, sitting on his bed. 

He stared at himself in his dark phone screen. George held the phone tightly on his lap, a sigh escaping his lips. 

"What am I doing?", he says aloud before throwing his phone at the end of the bed. 

He didn't even change out of his outdoor clothes. Who knows how long he was staring at his phone at this point. 

George gets up with a grumble while slowly getting dressed into his sleeping wear. 

Once he was done he walked out of his room to go into his kitchen. Popping open the fridge, he looks inside. George takes out leftover sushi and puts it in the microwave. He stared at his food as it slowly turned. 

What if he forgot? 

Maybe he's busy. 

But he said he would text me as soon as possible. 

"Nobody wants to see you" 

"No one"

The microwave beeps, making George snap back to reality. 

He takes out the food then puts it into a bowl. George takes a fork and goes over to his living room. He takes a seat on his couch and grabs the remote. He sets a pillow on his lap and places the bowl on top. 

The first thing that came on was a drama series. There was a girl crying which was no surprise. George throws the remote next to him and begins eating his food. 

The camera then pans over to a guy who behind the girl. She then quickly turns around, looking at him through teary eyes. 

"You don't love me anymore!", she yells. 

"Of course I do! What are you talking about!?", the guy yells back. 

"You never tell me you love me anymore and I can't even remember the last time you kissed me! You hardly spent time with me-" 

"Don't be ridiculous Gianna, you know I'm busy" 

George lowers his fork away from my lips and stares as the man tries to comfort his girlfriend. 

"Busy with what Evan!? You don't even have a job" 

"I'm looking for one with my friends" 

"Oh so you can go with your friends and I can't without having to tell you every single detail" 

"I have to know where you're going. I'm your boyfri-" 

George had grabbed the remote and switched to another channel before the guy could finish.

After putting his plate on the rack to dry, he walks to the bathroom. But when he was about to walk in he heard his phone let out a high pitch beep. He quickly rushes over and lifts his phone up.


Hey man!

George was slightly disappointed to see that it was a message from his friend, no offense to him. But when he was gonna press on his message, George noticed another message that was sent minutes before.

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