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*Time skip* 

Skyler invited George out to eat again. 

But this time they went to a place where pastries were sold. 

They talked for a bit before a waiter came by to take their orders. Sklyer asked for some pie while George asked for a chocolate cake. 

"You and your chocolate. Now you're making me want some", Skyler chuckles. 

"I'll let you have the first bite then since I'm nice like that", George laughs. Skyler smiles while George slid over his plate to him. He grabs his fork and takes a bite, licking his lips. 

"So good", Skyler mumbles. 

"Tell me about it. My mum always made me a homemade chocolate cake for my birthday and it would just make my day so much better so I guess that's why I like it so much. It reminds me of my childhood" 

"Life is about the little things. And it can mean the world for someone..", then Skyler takes out a small journal along with a pen from the inside of his jacket and begins to write in it. 

"What's that for? I saw you had it yesterday as well" 

 "Oh uh..it's silly", he says sheepishly. 

"Come onnn tell me! I won't judge" 


"Pinky promise" 

Skyler rolls his eyes as he swats George's hand away. 

"Well..you know how I have a passion for music" 


"I um..want to be a part of a band and make songs of my own one day" 


"I know, it's stupid" 

"No no not at all. I think it's really cool" 

"You think so?" 

"Yeah. You'd be great. Better invite me to your concerts" 

"Woah woah now that's far" 

"But not impossible" 

Skyler face softens to George's words. 

"It will sure be a hell of a process to get there though" 

"I say start looking for bands who are looking for an extra person" 

"I um actually been trying during my spare time. On the local paper" 

"Maybe try going online as well. I can help you find some since I am in my house most of the time" 

"You would do that? For me?" 

"I alway knew you were a sucker for music" 

"That's really sweet of you George. Thank you" 

"Of course. I'll support you no matter what" 

"Brothers?", Sklyer says with a slight chuckle as he holds his hand out. George scoffs but pulls out his hand. They do their handshake that they made when they were kids. 

When they were done, out of nowhere there was a shout. 


George looks over and sees a blonde haired teen rush to him with open arms. 

"Ugh Tommy get off of me!", the blond had sat himself next to George and brought him in a bear hug. 

"But Gogy I haven't seen you in sooo long!", Tommy exclaimed while Sklyer was laughing in the back. 

"Well I'm here now so get off and quit it with the name" 


"A warning would have been nice", George says as he gives Skyler a glare. 

"Tommy wanted to surprise you" 

 "Well he sure did"

The crickets chirped in the damp grass while their sounds were being muffled by cars driving past. 

George stared up at the stars as they twinkled in the darkness of the night. He rocked back and forward slowly on the swing he was on as the chains creaked. George hears laughter so he looks down and sees two people running around on the field far in front of him. 

When he looked closer he could tell one was a guy and the other was a girl because he could see the silhouette of her hair flowing in the wind. It was clear that the two were a couple by the way they ran together hand and hand. 

Suddenly they stop, then they began to dance with each other, making George's face soften. 

The man twirls the girl but then brings her close. Giving her a loving kiss. They separate and begin to run off again, laughing. 

George looks down and takes his phone out his pocket. Once unlocking it, he goes into his photos. Specifically his hidden. And when he pitched in his passcode, photos of him with another person loaded in. 

He clicks on one of them. He sadly smiles at the photo. 

It was him cuddling with a raven head on the couch. 


They were having a little movie night date and George wanted to have a photo of it to remember it. 

The brunette begins to swipe up. 

And when George looked at the more recent photos, there were less compared to older ones. And Ethan's smile had faded along with them. The last photo George had was of him laying in bed with the other. 

George was making a funny face but Ethan just glared at the camera. 

He wished he knew what caused the other's personality to change. 

Perhaps it was because of something he did or said. 

Or maybe he wasn't being a good boyfriend like he thought he was. 

Or maybe he wasn't the right person to love. 

George quickly swipes out of his photos. But right when he was gonna put his phone back in his pocket, it began to ring. 

"Hello", he mutters once he answers.

"Hey, just wanted to check where you are or have you made it home yet?" 

"Um no. I'm at a park actually" 

"What! By yourself? George it's late to be out at this time. Do you want me to come by and pick you up?" 

"I'm fine Skyler really. This park isn't far from my house. And you were right, I should go out and do things like go on a walk" 

"Okay..If you change your mind you can always call me. I'm on my way back from dropping off Tommy" 


"Text me when you get home alright" 

"Will do. Bye Skyler" 

"Bye George" 

With a simple press of a button the call ended. 

George sighs before getting up. 

He stared down at his feet as he walked down the lit pathway along a building. But he looked up as he stepped down onto the crosswalk-

Suddenly there was a loud noise of tires skidding against the road. 

And when George looked to his right all he saw was a big white blinding light. 

Next there was a loud ringing sound. 

Then there was silence. 


1060 words 

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