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*A week later*

 "So where exactly are we going?", George asks out loud. 

He was currently in Skyler's van along with the whole gang. Skyler was driving, Niki was up front, him and Dream were in the middle, then Tommy and Tubbo were in the back. 

"Apparently there's this band that got a gig and will be playing on the Zoma beach tonight", Tommy pipes in, holding onto the back of the brunette's seat despite his seatbelt trying to pull him back. 

"This was your idea? Where did you even find out about this?" 

"Me and Tubbo saw it on a flier when we were out one day" 

"Tubbo and I" 

"Piss off!" 

George chuckles while turning to look out the window. 

It was pretty late but he didn't mind it. 

He then peeks over to the blond next to him who was staring straight ahead with a content look on his face. They were hand in hand and Clay would lightly squeeze his hand from time to time. 

Eventually, they pull up into the parking lot. 

There were a few police officers there making sure the place didn't get crowded and out of control. Skyler follows their instructions and parks into the first stop he sees. Once killing the engine, everyone gets out. Sklyer then looks down at his watch. 

"We still have an hour and a half left. Do you guys want to hangout on the boardwalk for the meantime?", Skyler remarks. Everyone agrees. 

The group soon broke up into their pairs, they all planned to meet up 10 minutes before the concert was meant to begin. 

Tommy and Tubbo soon ran off to go on the multiple coasters the place had. Niki and Skyler went to go check out an antique shop while Clay and George decided to just stroll around. 

The smell of popcorn, hotdogs, and candy filled their noses. 

There were a good handful of people there dressed in warm clothes considering they were right by the coast. 

Clay and George walked side by side on the wooden platform in a comfortable silence. 

Then the brunette stops abruptly to look over at a line of people. 

"You wanna go on it?", Clay interrupts beside him. 

"I mean I would like to but you said you aren't a fan of rides" 

"Oh come on, you consider that a ride?" 

"I mean technically it is" 

"When I meant by rides I meant by those crazy rides that Tommy and Tubbo went to. I hate the adrenaline you get when you're on one. We can go on this if you don't feel like walking" 

"You sure?" 

"Yes George, I'm sure", Clay chuckled. George gives him a quick smile before walking them into the queue for the Ulta Flyer, a skyline gondola. 

The man who was working the gondola had an interesting blue outfit to say the least with a blue sailor's hat to match over his raven hair. After pushing away an occupied cart, he grabs onto a blue one that was going by. Then Clay and George both walk up to enter the ride. The brunette sits in front of the blond rather than next to him. 

"Please remain seated throughout the whole ride. Don't rock or reach out of the cart at any time. Enjoy your ride", the worker stated with a slight tiredness in his voice as he flipped close the locks. 

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