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It's been days since George had seen the sunlight.

Perhaps because the person he had that shined as bright as it is now gone.

Despite how much he wanted to be in a forever sleep, he couldn't.

When he did sleep, he would go back into the void.

The places he went with him would be there but all ripped apart. He'd float around all the pieces while he searched.

He'd shout out his name.

Screamed it until his body couldn't handle it anymore. And every time at the end, he would get pulled by that force.

The same force that took him away.

"No stop, I need to find him!", he would yell. But he would wake up in the end.

He'd sit up and look around.


But soon realizes he was back in his apartment. Clenching his fists while biting his lip until it bled. Tears filled his eyes out of frustration. He would aggressively run his hands through his hair before clenching it in his hands. He'd sob his little heart out. Shaking while calling out for him.

After day after day, his throat would become drier along with his eyes. It felt like everything was sucked out of him but yet he was still able to cry.  It had become a routine at this point.

Same thing but different day.

Sometimes he'd think about rushing out of the house and going onto a busy road to find a car that was driving fast enough to put him in another coma.

One he won't wake up from.

His phone would buzz and buzz until it ran out of battery.

He knew his friends were becoming worried about him. But he couldn't bring himself to charge the device even if it was right next to him.

One day something different happened, George was in his bed like he always has been. Facing his window as the wind would brush past his blinds. But what changed was that his front door opened.

The brunette honestly didn't care if it was a robber that had broken in.

He just hoped they had brought a gun with them and he would ask them to do the honors.

His room door opens. George closes his eyes, accepting his fate.

He waits.

He waits to hear the weapon loudly click as it goes to the next available bullet.

Except it never came. Rather a quiet voice.

"George?", they whisper.

The brunette opens his eyes and finds Skyler standing in front of him.

"Oh my- George, you look awful", he says while crouching down.

"Thanks...how did you get in here", his voice coming out more as a raspy grumble.

"You gave me a spare key, remember. Since you haven't been replying, I knew I had to come here"

"You didn't have to"

"Yes I did. When was the last time you ate? Your face has gotten paler"

The brunette shrugs his shoulders.

"George, you know that isn't healthy. Well good thing I brought some soup cause I knew you weren't gonna be in good shape"

Skyler then picks up a bag that the other didn't notice he had.

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