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 The sun was beginning to rise up in the east from its slumber far west. But still, the cold remains as barbaric as it was the day before. Seeping through every layer of clothing. Through seams, zipper tracks, or anywhere that was far too thin for it's brutally. The exposed skin of the public stung as if it had been touched with an ignited lighter. 

The crisp air was strong enough to jolt someone back into consciousness. Yet somehow, Clay and George were still out of the warmth of their homes for once again another outing. Shoes crunching in last night's snowfall, smell of damp pine filling noses, laughter seaming the air. 

They were in their own little world. Nothing else mattered to them at the moment. Besides each other. 

"What if I fall on my face!", George exclaimed. 

"You won't. Quit be nervous", Clay chuckled. 

"Says the one who actually has experience" 

"I still don't believe you never went ice skating before" 

"I haven't. I'm serious" 

"You lived in London all your life! And never step foot on ice?" 

"Yes! I never wanted to as a kid because I was scared I was gonna break something" 

"There's a very low chance of that happening" 

"There's still a possibility" 

"We're almost there", Clay says while rolling his eyes.

Once they paid and got their skates at the front they started heading inside.

It was somewhat of a small ice area but it still was able to hold a good amount of people. 

When the pair pushed through the last door they saw the rink. There was some old school music in the back while people skated happily. The two then put on their skates and left their shoes on one of the seats of the arena like everyone else had done. 

Clay then opens the gates and steps out onto the rink. George takes a deep breath and follows. 

The second both of his feet were on the ice, he lost control of his body. He quickly reaches out to grip onto the edge. He then flickers his eyes to a kid who was skating with a skate helper, honestly debating asking for it. But he also sees a few other people having trouble staying stable on the ice. So he didn't feel internally like an embarrassment or a complete mess. 

Yet he still felt slightly jealous about those who were able to stake perfectly without any jerky movements. He wished he was at least able to balance himself. 

Clay shuts the gates and goes over to George who was glued to the side of the rink at this point. 

"Are you just gonna stay there the whole time?", Clay laughs. 

"I'm thinking about it", George mutters. 

"Well hate to burst your bubble but you're gonna have to get moving before you start holding up the line", he says as he looks over next to him. 

The brunette follows his gaze and sees a group of people who were skating close to the edge in case they need something to reach out for when they feel like they're about to fall. 

"But I don't know how to move in these!" 

"It's easy once you get the hang of it. For now, just slide so you get familiar with the skates" 

George knew that skating was bound to be fun even if he was scared out of his mind so he tried his best to stand up straight and move along the rink. Clay was there skating smoothly besides him, encouraging to keep going. 

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