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 George slowly opens his eyes. 

The lights on the ceiling were making it look a lot brighter than needed. 

There was a soft beeping noise next to the brunette. 

George lets out a painful groan as he feels the pain flow into his whole body. 

"Hey hey, don't move", someone whispers. 

George looks over and sees Skyler above him with tears in his eyes. 

"S-Skyler..Where am I?" 

"You're in the hospital. God I'm so glad you're okay" 

"Why what happened..?" 

"You were in a car accident", the Brit said as he carefully held George's hand. 

 "Sky..it hurts..", George cried. 

"I know I know. I'll get the nurse now" 

George watched as the other left. 

"Meds over here please! He says he's in a lot of pain-", Skyler shouts before he walked out the door. 

Everything felt heavy and his head was pounding. 

He had a huge bandage wrapped around his head with a few more on his body.

George just couldn't feel his body. 

*Few weeks later*

"What I remember is that I was walking and when I heard the screeches of tires I looked up... I see these headlights then all I saw was white and then the next thing I know I'm in a hospital bed next to you. It was kinda scary. How did you find me anyway?" 

"I was on my way home but you haven't texted me that you were home yet and I got kinda worried so I started to drive over to your house. But then there was traffic, so I got out of my car to see what was happening because no one was moving. And when I got to the front I...saw you on the ground in front of a car...my heart dropped to my stomach. The image of you just passed out there..with blood surrounding you will forever haunt me...um luckily a bystander called the ambulance so they got there pretty quick along with the police. A drunk driver, they said...that shouldn't have happened. I should have never let you walk home by yourself" 

"It's not your fault Skyler. And don't ever think that it is" 

"... if only that guy was just more responsible this wouldn't have happened" 

"I know, it really shouldn't have but it did but look on the bright side I'm fine. It's been like what, three weeks now?" 

"You're right. I'm glad you're doing better. How's your head? You said you were getting headaches" 

"It goes in and out but I'm alright" 

"That's good...You're like a brother to me George, I really care about you. If anything had happened to you, I would have lost it"

"I care about you too but I'm okay now and to make you sleep better at night I won't walk home late again" 

They both let out a slight laugh. 

The both of them were in George's place, in his living room on the couch. 

"Thank you for helping me through this Sky" 

"Of course, like I said you're like a brother to me and I love you" 

"I..feel the same way" 

"Still can't say it can you?", Skyler chuckles. 

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