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 "Uh hey", the man softly says. 


"Sorry, I'm new from around here and I.. saw you from where I was sitting and um wanted to say hi", he says as he begins to tap his fingers against his thumb. 

"Oh well it's nice meeting you. Did you just move here?", George softly smiles. For some reason he liked the man's awkwardness, he found it kinda funny. 

"I did about..3-ish weeks ago I think" 

"That's nice. Where are you from? You sound American" 

"Oh yeah, I used to live down in Orlando Florida but I thought I could use a change" 

 "You came to the right place I'll tell you that. I heard your summers could be as brutal as our winters", he chuckles. 

"Yeah a warning would have been nice but oh well" 

"What made you want to move to London out of all the places in the world?" 

"A friend of mine came to visit here with his family and he couldn't shut up how beautiful it was" 

"I don't think it's all that. But it could be because I've lived here my whole life" 

"Cool cool. What do you do? Or are you still in school" 

"No I'm not and as embarrassing as it sounds, at the moment I don't really know what to do with my life", he mumbles. 

"Hey same here, no judgment. Graduated last year in computer science, you?" 

"I also graduated in computer science! I'm pretty sure I was 23 when I did" 

"23..wait how old are you?" 


"27?! You don't age at all, I'm 24" 

"Yeah I get told that a lot" 

"Well I can see your friend coming back so I'll leave you be. But it was nice talking to you..." 


"George...I'll make sure to remember the name. I'm Clay by the way" 

"Nice name" 

"T-Thanks. See you later" 

"See you" 

Clay smiles before turning around to walk back to his table. 

George then lets out the breath he didn't know he was holding. 

"Sorry I took a while, I ran into someone", Skyler explained once he stood next to him. 

"What is it?", he asks when he notices the other looking over at someone. 

"I was talking to him. Apparently he moved here from Florida a couple weeks ago. I guess he just wanted to get to know at least someone", he says as he slightly motions to the blond who went back to type away on his phone 

"Hm Florida, sure was a flight then" 


"Ready to go?" 

George nods, allowing Skyler to take the lead. As he walked by the other from before, he gave him a small wave. Clay looks up and gives one back.

*Next day*

"I'm just so excited to move in with David! We've been talking about it on and off but we never really did anything about it. But now we're finally gonna do it. I think it's great, what do you think Nia?" 

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