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 As days turned into weeks, the friends had become closer. 

Hanging out the majority of the time. George after a few days of getting to really know Clay he eventually introduced him to his group of friends who openly welcomed him into their circle. 

"Can you believe it? I'm finally moving in with Tubs!", Tommy exclaimed. 

"That's great. What do you think Tubbo, you excited?", Clay replied. 

"Hell yeah! But Tom you better not make the house a mess once you move in " 

"Pff me messy? Never!" 

"He always leaves his dirty clothes on the ground. I've seen it", Skyler comments. 

"I knoww", Tubbo says with a slight whine. 

"Woah listen, a pro gamer like me has to get up in the morning and game. I don't have time to pick up my clothes. If it is such a problem I'll just have Tubbo pick them up for me when I move in" 

"Like hell you will!", Tubbo shouts back. 

There had been times George felt like when he was in the group, everyone had their duo. 

Tommy and Tubbo, Skyler and Niki, then there was him. Sure sometimes Skyler would pair up with him but Skyler would go back to Niki since she had found out about his idea of wanting to be in a band and wanted to take part in it as well. As a tambou​rin​ist, maybe even a back vocalist. 

So George felt a little bit left out. But ever since Clay became a part of the picture, he didn't feel lonely anymore. 

When George hangs out with Clay, he feels like the void inside of him becomes filled. 

A void that has been there for far too long.

The two of them have been hanging out so much to the point their friends question/tease their relationship. But they always remind them with flushed faces that they were only friends. 

There was a time where the group went to this fair and they were doing the thing where you pay to shoot basketballs in order to win a prize. 

There was one ball left, Clay and George were going back in fourth, insisting the other to take the last shot. This went on for quite some time until their friends had enough. 

In other words, Tommy said, "Stop flirting and shoot the damn ball already!" 

The both of them stopped what they were doing and looked back sheepishly at their friends. And Clay ended up giving George the ball. 

Though, the two boys themselves even have had their times where they too questioned what they were. 

One night they were watching a movie which got the brunette sort of emotional and Clay being the kind soul he was, went over to comfort the other with a hug. 

And even after George had calmed down he didn't move away from the blond. The both of them soon fell asleep in each other's arms. 

They wouldn't lie and say it wasn't awkward when they woke up but they quickly blew it off and continued on with their life. But they both knew there was something there lingering behind their actions and words. They had talked about it yet either of them moved forward with anything. 

Until one day. 

The pair were hanging out in the usual coffee shop they alway went to. George could tell Clay was anxious about something by the way he acted but didn't ask about it.

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