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*A month later*

 "And here are some other ones", says the blond as he swipes through his photos. 

"You're really talented Clay! Why don't you do it anymore? Or did you leave all your stuff at home?" 

"No, I brought the things I need. I just haven't had the time" 

"Well I'm giving you the time now, come on. I wanna watch you", George says as he strings up to his feet. 

"But you'll get bored quickly. It's like watching paint dry" 

"No I won't come on", George giggles while he leans down to grab the blond's arm. 

"It's not that hard to entertain me", he continued once he brought the other up. 

"Alright fine, but don't say I didn't warn you" 

"Yeah yeah. Where do you have them?" 

"They're in this closet", Clay says, walking over to the hallway that leads to his room and bathroom. The brunette stays put while Patches hops off the couch they were just on and goes to follow her owner. 

Clay stops in front of a closet that was located in the hallway. He opens the door which reveals all of his extra bathroom essentials. But he ignores them and goes to look at the bottom of the shelf where a box sat. 

He slips it out from underneath everything and grabs it. 

George decided to sit back down on the couch while he waited for the blond. 

A few moments later, Clay walks back into the room holding a box that had the word drawings written on the side. Clay then puts the box on the table. 

"That's it?", George asks. 

"Yeah, what were you expecting more?", the blond chuckles. 

"The amount of detail you had on your drawings, I just thought you used like lots of tools for it" 

"I do have random things in here I don't use but that's because the things I need are always sold in kits so I just throw everything in here" 

George nods his head as he watches Clay take out the contents from the box. 

There were pencils, no surprise. Papers with some erasers and other things that the brunette couldn't name. 

"Draw something", George insisted. 

"But I have no idea what" 

"I liked your landscape ones" 

"Well I'm gonna need a landscape for reference", he chuckles. 

"There's this place in the park near here that has a nice view of the pond we went to a while back"

"We could go there", Clay says with a smile. George then lets out a small gasp. 

"Oh! We can have a picnic. Can we have one?" 

"Sure. Let me get a blanket so we can sit on it and a bag" 

George nods happily. 

The blond was quick to return, he had a dark gray quilt blanket over his arm while he held a black tote bag. 

"I don't have any snacks here that we could bring so we're gonna have to stop by the store", Clay says.

"It's okay, I don't mind as long as you let me pay. I call for taking credit for this date" 

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