Chapter 48: Mia's last fight

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"So what are we going to do now?" Suki asked. Everyone asked when they were sitting in a circle eating breakfast. They had already searched the island, but Aang was really no where to be found. "Why is everyone looking at me?" Zuko asked. "Well, you are kinda the expert of tracking Aang." Katara said. "Yeah, if anyone has any experience of hunting the Avatar, it's you." Toph said in agreement.
They all packed their bags, and Zuko flew away off the island. "Zuko, I don't wanna tell you how to do your job, but why are we heading to the Earth kingdom?" Sokka asked, "there is no way Aang's there." Mia frowned and started to think. "Just trust me." Zuko replied.


When they arrived in the Earthkingdom, Mia immediately knew where they were heading for. They went to a local tavern, that was quite familiar with Mia. When the team entered it, loud music was playing and people were drinking. "You brought us here for what now?" Katara asked. "June? I knew it." Mia said when Zuko pointed to a woamn sitting at a table, knocking out a few guys. "Oh, yeah! Thta weird bounty-hunter girl with the giant mole." Sokka said. "A shirshu, Sokka. The only creature that can track Aang's scent anywhere in the world." Zuko and the gang walked up to her, while Mia walked to the bar. "Hello, love," the barman said, "what might it be?"
"A ricewine, please." Mia said.
"Not a glass, a bottle." Mia said stiff when she stared to the small glass. Mia threw 1 silver coin on the bar and walked outside. "What's up?" Mia said when the gang was already outside. "Doing good, pretty how about you?" June replied. "I wasn't talking to you." Mia replied with a deadly look. "It can't track Aang, so we now we are going to Zuko's uncle." Suki said when she climbed on Appa's back. "Oh... okay." Mia mumbled and she climbed on Appa as well.

They rode all night and day. At the end of the day, Mia saw some huge walls at the horizon. June stopped in front of the wall, where a huge crack was in. Appa landed on the ground and they all stepped off. "Ba Sing Se?" Mia asked indignantly. "He is somewhere behind the wall, Nyla is getting twitchy, so he must not be too far away, goodluck." June said and she rode away. Zuko took a deep breathe, "it's been a long day. Let's put up a camp and restart our search at dawn." They all nodded in agreement. Mia and Zuko were sitting in their tent. Zuko was very quiet and did not say much. "Do you want tea or something? Mintwater, a dumpling... me?" Mia said when she laid on her side, trying to look sexy. "Tea, please." Zuko said without looking at Mia. "Oh, okay..." Mia said indignantly when she sat down. "Don't you wanna seem him right now, actually?" Mia asked. "He's sleeping already." Zuko replied shortly.

"Are you afraid from what he will say?"
Zuko sighed. "I don't know... I have hurt him so much, I have let him down."
"Yeah, you are pretty good at that. At least you can see your made mistakes. I am sure he will forgive you. The past few years haven't been quite easy for you. You've just lost your way, and now you have found it again." Mia said with a smile. Zuko smiled back at her and he gave her a kiss on her shoulder.

"What will you do, after the war? If we have won or not." Zuko asked. Mia looked up and she shook her head. "I think of going to find my family first. They fled from Ba Sing Se, and I don't think they will return to Omashu, so yeah. No idea where they are heading to now. Myriam is getting older, she can't take care of them. And Camillia wants a life for her own. Bohai is too young to take care of them, so yeah..." Mia said slowly. Zuko nodded slowly. "I am going to sleep, I feel really tired." Zuko siad and he laid down. "Yeah, you should." Mia replied quietly and she laid down too. She could not sleep, so she crawled out of the tent to make some tea.

Painfully Mia was thinking about it. About what to do after the war. Spending the rest of her life with Zuko? Possibly, yes. Mia knew Iroh won't take his rightful place on the throne, but leave it over to Zuko. Iroh had never told him that, but Mia wished with all her heart he did. Zuko as fire lord... Mia frowned with the thoughts of that. He would make a very good Fire Lord but -
Mia woke up out of her throughts when the camp got surrounded by fire. Everyone woke up, and Mia walked up to Zuko, who was still sleepy. She grabbed his hand but let go when she saw all familiar faces. "Well, look who's here." She heard King Bumi saying.

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